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NASA Science Highlights
Overview of Observations Made During the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) Spacecraft's Flyby of Mercury
Overview of Observations Made During the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) Spacecraft's Flyby of Mercury
Launched in August 2004, MESSENGER is midway through a complex interplanetary cruise phase that involves six planetary flybys.Read More...
The Exotic Atmospheres of Hot Jupiter-like Planets
The Exotic Atmospheres of Hot Jupiter-like Planets
Defining Giant Hot Jupiter-like Exoplanets as an Astronomical Class of ObjectsRead More...
Exploring Titan's Surface of Ice and Organics
Exploring Titan's Surface of Ice and Organics
Titan has been long known to be a photochemical factory.Read More...
Earthshine: Earth's Spectra, Albedo, Clouds, Climate, and the Search for Earth-Like Exoplanets
Earthshine: Earth's Spectra, Albedo, Clouds, Climate, and the Search for Earth-Like Exoplanets
Earth-like planets around distant stars may be too far away to be reached by spacecraft but scientists could still investigate whether they harbor life.Read More...
Origins of Planetary Systems and the Development of Prebiotic Conditions
Origins of Planetary Systems and the Development of Prebiotic Conditions
Scientists at NASA's JPL brought together to develop new interdisciplinary tools for interpreting observations of protostellar disks returned by space telescopes such as Spitzer and Hubble.Read More...
Formation of Nitrogen Atmosphere On Titan<BR><BR>
Formation of Nitrogen Atmosphere On Titan

Why does Titan, a moon of Saturn, possess a large nitrogen atmosphere, when the only other planetary body in our Solar System where vast quantities of nitrogen are observed is our own planet Earth?Read More...
Near-infrared Spectra of Laboratory Water-Methane (H2O-CH4) Ice Mixtures
Near-infrared Spectra of Laboratory Water-Methane (H2O-CH4) Ice Mixtures
Distinguishing methane ice from water ice and their combination using infrared spectroscopy.Read More...
Strain at Radially Fractured Centers (RFCs) on Venus
Strain at Radially Fractured Centers (RFCs) on Venus
Fractures which extend for very large distances are the result of magma intrusions (dikes) below the surface.Read More...
Single-Molecule Resolution of Optical Microscope
Single-Molecule Resolution of Optical Microscope
Researchers at JPL have developed the first optical nanoscope, the Flourescence Apertureless Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (FANSOM).Read More...
Updates on High-Dispersion Spectroscopy, Radial Velocity and the Planet Search Program
Updates on High-Dispersion Spectroscopy, Radial Velocity and the Planet Search Program
The California-Carnegie team will be able to study the radial velocity of stars with more precision than ever before.Read More...
Low Frequency Plasma Oscillations Observed at Mars During 2003 Solar Storms
Low Frequency Plasma Oscillations Observed at Mars During 2003 Solar Storms
Because of Mars's lack of an intrinsic global magnetic field, the solar wind interacts directly with the Martian ionosphere.Read More...
Cassini Magnetometer Finds an Atmosphere on Saturn's Moon Enceladus
Cassini Magnetometer Finds an Atmosphere on Saturn's Moon Enceladus
The Cassini spacecraft's two close flybys of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus have revealed that the moon has a significant atmosphere.Read More...
Habitability in High Radiation Environments: The Case for Gaia at Europa
Habitability in High Radiation Environments: The Case for Gaia at Europa
Icy satellites with significant heat, irradiation and subsurface water sources may provide common abodes for life.Read More...
To Sea or Not to Sea:  Titan's Paradigm Malfunction
To Sea or Not to Sea: Titan's Paradigm Malfunction
A single paradigm that had been developed to study the Saturnian system and its largest moon, Titan, has been shaken to its core.Read More...
Spectral Mapping of Phoebe Reveals Water and Carbon Dioxide-Rich Composition on Surface
Spectral Mapping of Phoebe Reveals Water and Carbon Dioxide-Rich Composition on Surface
The existence of carbon dioxide strongly suggests that Phoebe did not originate in the asteroid belt.Read More...
Migration of Phyllosilicates Through the Solar Nebula Could Explain Water-rich Planetary Formation
Migration of Phyllosilicates Through the Solar Nebula Could Explain Water-rich Planetary Formation
Shock waves through icy parts of the solar nebula may be the mechanism that enriched ancient meteorites (called chondrites) with water.Read More...
Scientists Have Detected Sunlight's Gentle Nudge on Asteroids
Scientists Have Detected Sunlight's Gentle Nudge on Asteroids
The team's precise ranging revealed that Golevka was 15 kilometers further away than had been predicted by considering gravitational forces alone.Read More...
Evidence of Cold-based Glaciers in the Dry Valleys of Antartica Could Help Scientists
Evidence of Cold-based Glaciers in the Dry Valleys of Antartica Could Help Scientists
Evidence of cold-based glaciers in the dry valleys of antartica could help scientists study the terrain of the Martian landscape.Read More...
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