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SVS >> Snow

Movie ID Title
This animation moves from a view of the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland to a full global view, showing seasonal changes in Arctic sea ice and global snow cover. (slower version) 3373 Zoom from Jakobshavn Glacier with AMSR-E Daily Sea Ice and MODIS Daily Snow Cover
This still image shows daily snow cover over North America on February 3, 2003. 2932 Daily Snow over North America 2002-2003 without Permafrost Map
This still image shows daily snow cover over North America on February 3, 2003. 2925 Daily Snow over North America 2002-2003 with Permafrost Map
Terra-MODIS snow image on February 20, 2003 2705 Terra/Aqua Snow Sequence January/February 2003
Snowcover for Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Distric of Columbia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. 2702 Snow Covers Northeastern United States on February 20, 2003
Mount Kilimanjaro, with a small ice cap, on February 21, 2000. 2701 Mt Kilimanjaro, 2000
Mt. Kilimanjaro in 1993 2700 Mt Kilimanjaro, 1993
Close up of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. 2653 Great Lakes Snow Effect 2002
This image shows snow cover over the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California during the spring of 2001. 2488 MODIS Snow Cover over the Sierra Nevada Mountains
This image shows the continental snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter of 2001-02. 2487 MODIS Snow Cover over North America
This image shows snow cover over Europe during the winter of 2001-02. 2486 MODIS Snow Cover over Europe
This image shows the continental snow cover over Asia during the winter of 2001-02. 2485 MODIS Snow Cover over Asia
This animation shows the dynamic behavior of the advance and retreat of continental snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere for the winter of 2001-02. 2484 Global Snow Cover from MODIS
Close-up of snowfall covering the southeastern United States 2343 Snow Covers the Southeastern United States - January 4, 2002
The north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2324 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Polar Images
Animation showing seasonal Mars cloud variations (with contours) 2313 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at north pole, with dates, with contours
Animation showing seasonal Mars cloud variations (with contours and dates) 2312 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at north pole, with dates, without contours
Maritan clouds with a countour at mamimum north pole extent 2311 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at both poles, with dates, with contours
Animation of seasonal Mars cloud variations (without contours and with dates) showing both poles 2310 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at both poles, with dates, without contours
Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (without dates) showing north pole 2309 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at north pole, without dates
Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (with dates) showing north pole 2308 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at north pole, with dates
 Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (without dates) showing both poles 2307 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at both poles, without dates
Graph showing peak snow depth at Martian north pole 2306 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at both poles, with dates
An overhead view of the south pole of Mars shown in true color 2303 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Flyover and Slow Zoom out from Martian S. Pole: True Color
An overhead view of the North Pole of Mars shown in true color 2302 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom Out from the Martian North Pole: True Color
The surface of the north pole of Mars shown in true color 2301 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom to the Martian North Pole: True Color
An approach to the south pole of Mars shown in true color 2300 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom to the Martian South Pole: True Color
A close view of the topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2299 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian South Pole: False Color
An overhead view of the north pole of Mars shown in true color 2298 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom out from the Martian North Pole: True Color
The surface of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2297 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2296 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Medium Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2295 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Medium Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2294 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Fast Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2293 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Fast Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
True color image of the north pole of Mars 2292 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Zoom to Martian North Pole: True Color
Same day, different year, Winter can be your friend or
like Minnesota found out your enemy. 2118 Looking at Minnesota in Winter
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1109 Midwest Snow Belt Flyover: March 13, 2000
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1108 Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #3
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1107 Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #2
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1106 Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #1
This is the standard definition version MPEG of the Ice Albedo(clean ice case) Animation. 10022 Ice Albedo: Bright White Reflects Light

GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Atmosphere >> Precipitation >> Snow

Movie ID Title
Permafrost regions are shown in shades of lavender while the Greenland ice sheet is shown in light blue. 3511 Global Permafrost Layers designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
This image portrays changes in the elevation over the Greenland ice sheet onto topography of Greenland measured by ICESat. 3455 Nadir View of Change in Elevation over Greenland with a Blue/Yellow Color Scale
This animation moves from a view of the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland to a full global view, showing seasonal changes in Arctic sea ice and global snow cover. (slower version) 3373 Zoom from Jakobshavn Glacier with AMSR-E Daily Sea Ice and MODIS Daily Snow Cover
This animation shows the average snow cover for a given month over a 23-year period. The frames provide a transparent overlay. A background image taken from NASA's Blue Marble is also provided. 3185 Monthly Snow Climatology, 1979-2002 (WMS) logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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