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Radiation budget

SVS >> Radiation budget

Movie ID Title
May 11, 2001 2174 Terra/CERES views the Pakistan heat wave: May 2001
Image of the Earth in OLR, September 30, 2001. 2173 Terra/CERES views the world in Outgoing Longwave Radiation - Daily data
Image of the Earth in RSR data, March 1, 2000. 2172 Terra/CERES views the world in Reflected Solar Radiation - Daily data
Side-by-side views of the Earth in RSR and OLR (daily).  November 30, 2000. 2171 Terra/CERES Outgoing Longwave and Reflected Solar radiation-Daily data
Side-by-side Earth views of 14-day boxcar averaged OLR & RSR data. 2170 Terra/CERES Outgoing Longwave and Reflected Solar radiation- Boxcar Averaged
Close-up view on the Americas in OLR.  November 2, 2000. 2169 Terra/CERES views the Americas in Outgoing Longwave Radiation - Daily data
A view of the Americas in RSR, November 2, 2000. 2168 Terra/CERES views the Americas in Reflected Solar Radiation - Daily data
The American Southwest in OLR data during a heatwave - May 9, 2001. 2167 Terra/CERES on the American Southwest: May 2001
The Earth in OLR, 14-day boxcar averaged in June 2000. 2159 14-Day Boxcar averaged Terra/CERES (Outgoing Longwave Radiation)
A view of the Earth in 14-day boxcar averaged RSR data. 2158 14-Day Boxcar averaged Terra/CERES (Reflected Solar Radiation)
View of the Earth in OLR data on June 21, 2000.  It is the peak of summer in the northern hemisphere and the peak of winter in the souther hemisphere. 2157 One Year of Terra/CERES data (Outgoing Longwave Radiation) Daily data
View of the Earth in RSR data for June 21, 2000.  It is the peak of summer in the northern hemisphere and the peak of winter in the southern hemisphere 2156 One Year of Terra/CERES data (Reflected Solar Radiation) Daily data logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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