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La Nina

SVS >> La Nina

Movie ID Title
Sea surface temperature anomalies for the 2007 La Nina 3488 La Nina 2007 Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
Sea Surface Height Anomaly for the Equatorial Pacific region from June, 1997, to June, 1998. 2646 El Niño and La Niña Cross-section of Temperature and Height Anomalies: June, 1998
Simulation of cloud cover over Antarctica and South America during the 1998 La Nina. 2393 NSIPP cloud cover: Oct 1998 - Nov 1998 (La Nina)
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton, here SeaWiFS
captures the El Nino and La Nina Seasons of 1997 to 2000. 2084 SeaWiFS: El Nino on a Globe
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Zooming down
to see the El Nino and La Nina of 1998 to 1999 and how it reacted with
the rest of the world. 2080 SeaWiFS Captures El Nino
Precipitation anomaly in the Pacific from October 1992 through September 1998.  The data were collected by the Special Sensor Microwave-Imager (SSM-I) on board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) series of satellites. 570 Precipitation Anomaly in the Pacific: October 1992 to September 1998
An animation of sea surface temperature and height anomalies on a rotating globe from January 1997 to November 1998.  This animation rotates from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. 352 Sea Surface Height and Temperature Anomalies on a Globe: Rotating to the Pacific Ocean
A series of animations showing the locations of the bouys in the TAO-TRITON array. 231 TAO-TRITON Array: Multi-animations of Buoy Locations
This animation shows a flat Earth with the TAO-TRITON bouy array in the Pacific Ocean. 230 TAO-TRITON Array: Flat View without Push
This animation shows a rotating Earth, with the TAO-TRITON bouy array in the Pacific Ocean. 229 TAO-TRITON Array: Sphere View without Push
This animation shows a rotating Earth, with a zoom in to the TAO-TRITON bouy array in the Pacific Ocean. 228 TAO-TRITON Array: Sphere View with Push
This is the standard definition version of the La Nina Retreat animation MPEG. 10048 La Nina Retreat
This is the standard definition version of the El Nino Hurricane Connection animation MPEG. 10047 El Nino Hurricane Connection
This is the standard definition version of the Cold Water Upwelling animation MPEG. 10019 Cold Water Upwelling logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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