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DLESE >> Cryology

Movie ID Title
This animation shows seasonal changes in landcover and Arctic sea ice from 2005-09-21 through 2008-09-20. 3571 AMSR-E Arctic Sea Ice: 2005 to 2008
This animation shows a time series of global snow cover from 2002/09/01 through 2008/09/20. 3565 Aqua MODIS: Snow Cover designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
Daily sea ice from 6/21/2002 through 9/22/2008 shown at a rate of 1 frame per day with a transparent background. 3564 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
Annual Arctic Sea Ice Minimum from 1979 to 2008. 3563 Sea Ice Yearly Minimum with Graph Overlay 1979-2008
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 12, identified by NSIDC as the minimum extent for 2008. This animation has a two second hold on September 12, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper left corner. 3561 Close view of 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 14, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper right corner. 3556 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
Animation of daily Arctic sea ice 2008 3547 Daily Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 2008 (using SSMI data)
This image shows the 3 regions in North Africa: The Sahara, the Sahel, and the Sudan. The Sahel, a word derived from the Arabic ’sahil’ meaning shore, is a semi-arid belt of barren, sandy and rock-strewn land which stretches 3,860km across the breadth of the African continent and marks the physical and cultural divide between the continent’s more fertile south (the Sudan Region) and Saharan desert north. 3539 BlueMarble Next Generation Images from Terra/MODIS
This sequence shows random dots indicating the locations of glaciers around the world on a transparent background. 3534 Global Glacier Locations designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
Permafrost regions are shown in shades of lavender while the Greenland ice sheet is shown in light blue. 3511 Global Permafrost Layers designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
Yearly Arctic minimum sea ice 1979 -2008 from SSMI/SMMR with a transparent background. 3508 Annual Arctic Minimum Sea Ice from 1979 - 2008 designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
Global daily AMSR-E Sea Ice for 2005 with one frame shown per day. 3507 2005 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic derived from AMSR-E (WMS and Science-on-a-Sphere)
This animation shows daily  surface temperature of the Greenland ice sheet  from May 1 through September 1, 2005.   An overlay contains  a date bar, a color bar and text labels. 3506 Surface Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Summer of 2005
The 2008 maximum sea ice extent that occurred on March 9, 2008. 3498 AMSR-E Arctic Sea Ice Yearly Maximum from 2003 through 2008
Animation of sea ice motion around Antarctica during 2005 with a date overlay. 3497 AMSR-E Antarctic Sea Ice
This animation compares the minimum sea ice extent from 2005 and 2007 with the average minimum extent. 3481 Minimum Sea Ice Comparison: 2005, 2007 and the 1979-2007 Average for Science-on-a-Sphere (SOS)
Melt during 2007 3476 Annual Gradient Melt over Greenland 1979 through 2007
This animation shows the change in annual melt over Greenland from 1979 through 2007.  3475 Annual Accumulated Melt over Greenland 1979 through 2007
This animation compares the 2005 annual Arctic minimum sea ice from 09/21/2005 (shown in orange) with the 2007 minimum sea ice from 09/14/2007. The average minimum sea ice from 1979 through 2007 is shown in green. 3474 Minimum Sea Ice Comparison: 2005, 2007 and the 1979-2007 Average
This animation shows a two zooms on a split screen: one to the United States and the other to the Arctic.  The Arctic shows the 2005 sea ice minimum extent and fades to show the 2007 minimum extent.  The state of California is placed in the melt region as a comparison of the area of the region. 3470 Comparison of Minimum Sea Ice Between 2005 and 2007 - Split Screen
This animation shows a comparison between the 2005 and 2007 minimum sea ice extent.  The state of California, shown in green, is compared to the area of melted region. 3469 Comparison of Minimum Sea Ice between 2005 and 2007 - Full Screen
This animation shows the flow of the Jakobshavn glacier in 2000, followed by a time series of the glacier's retreat from 2001 through 2006. When pulling away from Greenland, a colored overlay shows the changes in the ice sheet elevation between 2003 and 2006. 3467 Updated Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Retreat from 2001 through 2006 with Blue/White Elevation Change over Greenland
This animation progresses at a rate of six frames per day from January 1, 2007 through the minimum extent which occurred on September 14, 2007. The false color of the sea ice highlights the fissures in blue and consolidated sea ice in white. 3466 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Greenland in Foreground
Arctic sea ice from 01 Aug 2007 to 19 Sept 2007 3465 Daily Arctic Sea Ice from August/September 2007
Annual Arctic sea ice minimum for 1979 to 2007 3464 Sea Ice Yearly Minimum 1979-2007
This image shows changes in the elevation over the Greenland ice sheet as colors displayed over topography of Greenland measured by ICESat. 3460 Change in Elevation over Greenland with Alternate Color Scale
This image shows the minimum sea ice extent that occurred on September 14, 2007. 3456 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Alaska in Foreground
This image portrays changes in the elevation over the Greenland ice sheet onto topography of Greenland measured by ICESat. 3455 Nadir View of Change in Elevation over Greenland with a Blue/Yellow Color Scale
Sea ice concentration3-year moving average from 1979-1981 through 2004-2006.
3445 Sea Ice Minimum Concentration 3-year moving averages for 1979-1981 to 2004-2006
This animation shows the flow of the Jakobshavn glacier in 2000, followed by a time series of the glacier's retreat from 2001 through 2006. When pulling away from Greenland, a colored overlay shows the changes in the ice sheet elevation between 2003 and 2006. 3434 Updated Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Retreat from 2001 through 2006
Animation zooms to view the ice shelf as seen from the northwest coastline and sequences through the satellite images showing the ice shelf breakup. An  overlay shows the date and time, the region of interest and the area of the ice shelf broken. 3430 Ayles Ice Shelf Breakup Viewed from Northwest Coastline
Animation zooms to view the ice shelf from overhead and sequences through the satellite images showing the breakup.  The overlay shows the region of interest and the date and time. 3429 Ayles Ice Shelf Breakup Viewed from Overhead
This image portrays changes in the elevation over the Greenland ice sheet onto topography of Greenland measured by ICESat. 3410 Change in Elevation over Greenland
This animation shows seasonal changes in landcover and Arctic sea ice from 2005-09-21 through 2006-09-20. 3404 Global Rotation showing Seasonal Landcover and Arctic Sea Ice
This image shows a view of the Earth on September 21, 2005 with the full Arctic region visible. 3402 Global View of the Arctic and Antarctic on September 21, 2005
This animation starts from a global view and zooms into the Ayles Ice Shelf.  The region is identified by a red outline.  The shelf itself is identified by two flashes of solid red before the ice shelf breakup is shown. A date/time bar shows the progression of time. 3401 Ayles Ice Shelf Breakup in Arctic
Fly over North America to Greenland (fisheye lens render) 3400 Dynamic Earth Dome Protoype: Fly Around
Hemisphere view of the global biosphere (fisheye lens render) 3399 Dynamic Earth Dome Prototype: Hemisphere
 This image of the Jakobshavn glacier on 07/07/2001 shows the  changes in the glacier's calving front between 1851 and 2006.  Historic calving front locations, 1851 through 1964, were compiled by Anker Weidick and Ole Bennike and are shown here in gray.  Recent calving front locations, 2001 through 2006, derived from satellite imagery are show in colors.  A distance scale is provided. 3395 Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Recession from 1850 to 2006
This animation shows snow cover, sea ice, clouds, sea surface temperature and biosphere while the view moves from North America across the Atlantic Ocean to Northern Africa and Europe. 3383 Sequence of Clouds, Snow Cover, Sea Ice, Sea Surface Temperature and Biosphere
This animation shows the flow of the Jakobshavn glacier in 2000, followed by a time series of the glacier's retreat from 2001 through 2006.  A colored line and date marks the position of the glacier's calving front each year. 3374 Jakobshavn Glacier Flow in the year 2000 and Calving Front Retreat from 2001 to 2006
This animation moves from a view of the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland to a full global view, showing seasonal changes in Arctic sea ice and global snow cover. (slower version) 3373 Zoom from Jakobshavn Glacier with AMSR-E Daily Sea Ice and MODIS Daily Snow Cover
This animation shows the seasonal advance and retreat of sea ice over the Arctic from 8/5/2005 through 8/4/2006. The yearly cycle is repeated three times while the camera circles the Arctic, providing a view of the sea ice from a wide range of viewpoints. 3372 Loop of AMSR-E Daily Arctic Sea Ice from Aug 2005 to Aug 2006
This animation shows the three-year moving average September mean sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere from 1979-1981 through 2003-2005. A date bar indicates the range of years averaged to compute the September mean shown. 3371 Three-Year Average September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration 1979 - 2005
Arctic sea ice maximum extent 1979-2006 3370 Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Concentrations 1979-2006
Annotated map of the northern Canadian study region.  Polar bear populations discussed in the paper are circled in orange. 3369 'Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar Bears in the Canadian Arctic' Overview Map
This animation depicts the seasonal sea ice change in northern Canada by cycling twice through August 5, 2005 to August 5, 2006.
3368 Annual Sea Ice Cycle over Northern Canada
This animation shows monthly average sea ice climatology from September through August displayed at a rate of two months per second.  The month is shown in the upper right corner. 3367 Arctic Monthly Average Sea Ice Climatology
The short version of the Cryosphere Tour, with narration and music. 3355 A Short Tour of the Cryosphere
MODIS snow cover and sea ice surface temperature in the Northern Hemisphere from September 1, 2002 through May 31, 2003. 3353 Terra/Aqua MODIS: Snow Cover and Sea Ice Surface Temperature
 This animation shows the temperature of the sea ice surface in the Arctic during 2002-2003. 3345 Sea Ice Surface Temperature with Alternate Color Scale (WMS)
This animation shows the motion of the sea ice over the Arctic from 1/1/2005 through 12/31/2005.  3333 2005 Sea Ice over the Arctic derived from AMSR-E
These images show the minimum extent of sea ice in the northern hemisphere.  There are several images available, including a transparent overlay, a background image from NASA's Blue Marble, and a composite image. 3186 Minimum Sea Ice Extent (WMS)
VIDEO WITH MUSIC AND CAPTIONS 3181 A Tour of the Cryosphere
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface temperature on March 15, 2003. 3180 MODIS Daily Global Snow Cover and Sea Ice Surface Temperature as seen in the SIGGRAPH 2005 Electronic Theater
This animation shows the daily sea ice 89 GHz brightness temperature over the northern hemisphere during the winter 2002-2003. 3168 Daily 89 MHz Brightness Temperature, 2002-2003 (WMS)
This animation shows the minimum sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere during September between 1978 and 2004. 3167 September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration, 1979-2004 (WMS)
This animation shows the mean sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere.  Each frame represents the mean value of a particular month from all years between 1979 and 2002. 3166 Monthly Sea Ice Climatology, 1979-2002 (WMS)
This animation shows a time-lapse sequence of the glaciers ice flow.  This animation shows only a small section of the full imagery.  The full imagery can be found in the frames area. 3141 Jakobshavn Glacier Ice Flow (WMS)
This animation shows the retreat of Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland from 2001 through 2003. 3140 Jakobshavn Glacier Retreat (WMS)
Sea ice around Antarctica during 2004 as seen by the SeaWinds instrument on QuikSCAT 3138 QuikSCAT Antarctic Sea Ice (WMS)
Breakoff of iceberg B-21 from the Pine Island glacier shown in imagery acquired by MISR 3127 Pine Island Glacier Calving (WMS)
An animation of the shrinking snow cap on Mount Kilimanjaro from Landsat imagery 3125 Mount Kilimanjaro's Vanishing Snow Cap (WMS)
The Larsen ice shelf collapse in 2002 as seen by MODIS 3123 Larsen Ice Shelf Collapse (WMS)
This animation shows iceberg B-15A drifting in McMurdo Sound. 3081 Giant Iceberg in McMurdo Sound (WMS)
 This still image shows the 22-Year surface temperature trend over the Arctic. 3047 22-Year Arctic Surface Temperature Trend
This animation shows the temperature of the sea ice surface near the north pole in 2002-2003.  The region is covered by darkness when no measurements were taken. 3037 Sea Ice Surface Temperature with Regions of No Data Indicated (WMS)
This animation shows the temperature of the sea ice near the north pole in 2002-2003. 3036 Daily Sea Ice Surface Temperature 2002-2003 (WMS)
This animation shows snow cover over North America during the winter of 2001-2002.  Data was collected every 8 days, and the results are shown fading into the next valid data set. 3027 Snow Cover over North America during the Winter of 2001-2002 (WMS)
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface
temperature over Europe on March 12, 2003 2985 Daily Snow and Sea Ice Temperature over Asia
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface
temperature over Europe on February 7, 2003. 2984 Daily Snow and Sea Ice Temperature over Europe
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface
temperature over North America on February 9, 2003. 2983 Daily Snow and Sea Ice Temperature over North America
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface temperature over the North Pole on March 23, 2003. 2982 Daily Snow and Sea Ice Temperature over the North Pole
This animation shows the daily advance and retreat of snow cover, and sea ice surface temperature over the Northern Hemisphere during the
winter of 2002-2003.  Snow cover over the tip of South America is also shown during the summer of 2000. 2981 Global Daily Snow and Sea Ice Surface Temperature
This still image shows daily snow cover over North America on February 3, 2003. 2932 Daily Snow over North America 2002-2003 without Permafrost Map
The Arctic sea ice concentration anomaly for 2002. 2931 September Mean Sea Ice Concentration Anomaly fade from 2002 to 2003 with Mean Ice Extent Contour
The Arctic sea ice concentration anomaly for 2002. 2930 September Mean Sea Ice Concentration Anomaly fade from 2002 to 2003
An image of the average sea ice extent for September. 2929 Monthly Arctic Sea Ice Extent
An image of the average sea ice concentration for September. 2928 Arctic Mean Monthly Sea Ice Concentration
An image of the minimum sea ice extent in 1979 (September) 2927 Arctic Yearly Minimum Sea Ice Extent 1979-2003
An image of the minimum sea ice concentration in 2003 (September) 2926 Arctic Yearly Minimum Sea Ice Concentration 1979-2003
This still image shows daily snow cover over North America on February 3, 2003. 2925 Daily Snow over North America 2002-2003 with Permafrost Map
This animation shows daily snow and ice over the Northern Hemisphere during the winter of 2002-2003. 2899 Snow Cover over the Northern Hemisphere during the Winter of 2002-2003 (WMS)
This is a still image of the 20-year  surface temperature trend over the Arctic region with an alternate color scale. 2837 20-Year Arctic Surface Temperature Trend with Alternate Color Scale
Total ozone density over the South Pole, as measured by Earth Probe TOMS in 1999 2836 Ozone Visualization Comparison
A high resolution image of the 20-Year Winter Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend 2835 20-Year Arctic Winter Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend
A high resolution image of the 20-Year Autumn Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend 2834 20-Year Arctic Autumn Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend
A high resolution image of the 20-Year Summer Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend 2833 20-Year Arctic Summer Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend
A high resolution image of the 20-Year Spring Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend 2832 20-Year Arctic Spring Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend
This is a still image showing the 20-Year Surface Temperature Trend over the Arctic. 2831 20-Year Arctic Surface Temperature Trend
A slice of ICESat elevation data (170 meter post-spaced) near Antarcticas Banzare Coast laying over a flat RADARSAT texture. 2743 ICESat First Light Release: A Closer View of the Coast
A view of the Great Lakes on March 9, 2003.  Note how Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario are completely frozen over.  2740 Ice Covers the Great Lakes
This image displays the snow cover from February 21, 2003 in white.  Areas with snow cover on February 21, 2002 but not on February 21, 2003 are shown in blue. 2726 Comparison of Snow Cover over the USA during the Winters of 2001/2002 and 2002/2003
This still image shows snow cover over the US on Feburary 21, 2003. 2725 Snow Cover over the USA during the Winter of 2002/2003
This still image shows snow cover over the US on Feburary 21, 2002. 2724 Snow Cover over the USA during the Winter of 2001/2002
Terra-MODIS snow image on February 20, 2003 2705 Terra/Aqua Snow Sequence January/February 2003
September 22, 2002 2703 Seasonal Ice Flow Backed Up
Snowcover for Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Distric of Columbia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. 2702 Snow Covers Northeastern United States on February 20, 2003
Close up of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. 2653 Great Lakes Snow Effect 2002
This image shows snow cover over the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California during the spring of 2001. 2488 MODIS Snow Cover over the Sierra Nevada Mountains
This image shows the continental snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter of 2001-02. 2487 MODIS Snow Cover over North America
This image shows snow cover over Europe during the winter of 2001-02. 2486 MODIS Snow Cover over Europe
This image shows the continental snow cover over Asia during the winter of 2001-02. 2485 MODIS Snow Cover over Asia
This animation shows the dynamic behavior of the advance and retreat of continental snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere for the winter of 2001-02. 2484 Global Snow Cover from MODIS
Measured perennial ice in 2001. 2475 Perennial Ice Cover: Data (1978-2001) and Projection
Projected ice coverage for 2045. 2474 Perennial Ice Cover: The Projection (2002-2075)
Measured perennial ice in 1993. 2473 Perennial Ice Cover: The Data (1978-2001)
The first image is from 31 January 2002 shows the shelf in late austral summer with
dark bluish melt ponds dotting its surface. 2421 MODIS: Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapses
SeaWiFS Biosphere data symbolizing the heartbeat of our planet. 2395 Pulse of the Planet
November 12, 2001 2344 Pine Island Iceberg Formation
Close-up of snowfall covering the southeastern United States 2343 Snow Covers the Southeastern United States - January 4, 2002
The north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2324 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Polar Images
Animation showing seasonal Mars cloud variations (with contours) 2313 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at north pole, with dates, with contours
Animation showing seasonal Mars cloud variations (with contours and dates) 2312 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at north pole, with dates, without contours
Maritan clouds with a countour at mamimum north pole extent 2311 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at both poles, with dates, with contours
Animation of seasonal Mars cloud variations (without contours and with dates) showing both poles 2310 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at both poles, with dates, without contours
Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (without dates) showing north pole 2309 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at north pole, without dates
Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (with dates) showing north pole 2308 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at north pole, with dates
 Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (without dates) showing both poles 2307 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at both poles, without dates
Graph showing peak snow depth at Martian north pole 2306 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at both poles, with dates
An overhead view of the south pole of Mars shown in true color 2303 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Flyover and Slow Zoom out from Martian S. Pole: True Color
An overhead view of the North Pole of Mars shown in true color 2302 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom Out from the Martian North Pole: True Color
The surface of the north pole of Mars shown in true color 2301 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom to the Martian North Pole: True Color
An approach to the south pole of Mars shown in true color 2300 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom to the Martian South Pole: True Color
A close view of the topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2299 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian South Pole: False Color
An overhead view of the north pole of Mars shown in true color 2298 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom out from the Martian North Pole: True Color
The surface of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2297 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2296 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Medium Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2295 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Medium Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2294 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Fast Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2293 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Fast Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
True color image of the north pole of Mars 2292 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Zoom to Martian North Pole: True Color
Taking a closer look at Dobbin Glacier. 2146 AGU Press Briefing May 29th: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space. (Dobbin Glacier Zoom 2)
Zooming down to the Dobbin Glacier in Alaska. 2145 AGU Press Briefing May 29th: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space. (Dobbin Glacier Zoom)
1997 on left and 2000 on right 2102 Iceland Glacier Recession 1997 to 2000
Glacier Recession 1973 to 2000 Movie 2101 Iceland Glacier Recession 1973 to 2000, Glacier Terminus contrast emphasized
Glacier Recession years 1973 to 2000 2100 Light Iceland Glacier Recession 1973 to 2000
Flying over an Aster data set of the Pine Island Glacier
crack.  The dataset was taken back in December 12th, of 2000. 2074 ASTER Dataset Zoom Down
Flying over an Aster data set of the Pine Island Glacier
crack.  The dataset was taken back in December 12th, of 2000. 2070 ASTER Dataset Flyover
A faster zoom down to Antarcticas Pine Island Glacier
where a crack has formed, minus the second zoom. Using Landsat 7 data showing before and
after. Dates are 3-6-00 and 1-4-01 2069 Zoom down to the Pine Island Glacier
A faster zoom down to Antarcticas Pine Island Glacier
where a crack has formed. Using Landsat 7 data showing before and
after. Dates are 3-6-00 and 1-4-01 2068 Zoom down to the Pine Island Glacier (faster)
A slow zoom down to Antarcticas Pine Island Glacier
where a crack has formed. Using Landsat 7 data showing before and
after. Dates are 3-6-00 and 1-4-01 2067 Zoom Down to the Pine Island Glacier
Wide shot of Larsen Ice shelf 2063 Larsen Ice Shelf Pan
Wide view of Larsen Ice shelf 2062 Larsen Ice Shelf Zoom
Larsen ice shelf.  March 2, 2000. 2051 Larsen Ice Shelf Animation
Clouds cover the Western Great Lakes.  They slide to the East. 2019 Great Lakes Cloud Cover
Take a ride to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica 1419 Moving Along Antarctica to the South Pole
Larsen Ice Shelf in 1997, after the collapse in 1995. 1400 Antarctica: Larsen Ice Shelf Side by Side Comparison
Changes in Glacier Bays Johns Hopkins Glacier from 1973 to 1986 1384 Changes in Glacier Bay: Johns Hopkins Glacier
Zoom in to east coast central area of interest 1293 Greenland: Short Pan to East Coast Area of Interest
Short Pan to west coast area of significant ice decrease 1292 Greenland: Pan to West Coast Area of Interest
Great Lakes Lake Effect Snow 1271 Great Lakes and Lake Effect Snow
Panning along a SeaWiFS image from the Hudson Strait past the coast of Baffin Island in northern Canada 1259 Canada Ice from SeaWiFS
Zoom around west Greenland.  full data 1257 Greenland: Pan Southern Tip to East Coast
Zoom around southern tip. Full data 1256 Greenland: Full West Coast (2nd render)
Greenlands ice concentration change:  blues represent significant loss and yellow represent sublte gains in ice 1255 Greenland: Full West Coast
Entire country of Greenland:  full data 1254 Greenland full west coast
Plane making Lidar measurements of ice concentration 1253 Greenland: Top-down view of Island tour with airplane tracks
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1109 Midwest Snow Belt Flyover: March 13, 2000
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1108 Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #3
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1107 Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #2
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000 1106 Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #1
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060 from the GFDL Coupled Global Climate Model 1079 Modeled Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060: View #5
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060 from the GFDL Coupled Global Climate Model 1078 Modeled Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060: View #4
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060 from the GFDL Coupled Global Climate Model 1077 Modeled Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060: View #3
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060 from the GFDL Coupled Global Climate Model 1076 Modeled Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060: View #2
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060 from the GFDL Coupled Global Climate Model 1075 Modeled Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from 1940 through 2060: View #1
Arctic sea ice concentrations in September of each year from 1979 through 1998 1074 September Monthly Sea Ice Concentrations for 1979-1998 (Purple)
Arctic sea ice concentrations in September of each year from 1979 through 1998 1073 September Monthly Sea Ice Concentrations for 1979-1998 (Green)
Arctic sea ice concentrations in September of each year from 1979 through 1998 1072 September Monthly Sea Ice Concentrations for 1979-1998 (White)
Arctic sea ice concentrations in March of each year from 1979 through 1998 1071 March Monthly Sea Ice Concentrations for 1979-1998 (Purple)
Arctic sea ice concentrations in March of each year from 1979 through 1998 1070 March Monthly Sea Ice Concentrations for 1979-1998 (Green)
Arctic sea ice concentrations in March of each year from 1979 through 1998 1069 March Monthly Sea Ice Concentrations for 1979-1998 (White)
Close-up of a snow dune field. 1007 Another View of Snow Dunes
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica 1005 Prelude and South Pole
Ice Streams in east Antarctica 1004 East Antarctic Ice Streams #2
Ice Streams in east Antarctica 1003 East Antarctic Ice Streams #1
Flight path for the East Antarctic Ice Stream flyby. 1002 East Antarctic Ice Stream Path
Animation of the RADARSAT dataset of Allen Hills in
Antarctica 999 Antarctica: Allen Hills Fly Over
Large snow dunes image 997 Antarctica: Snow Dunes
Using the RADARSAT dataset of Antarctica, we get a context of where Lake Vostok is in Antarctica.  Then an image of Lake Vostok pulls out and we tour the lake, fyling over the only highway on the lake, coming to rest on a view of the abandoned Russian station. 996 Antarctica: Lake Vostok
Using the RADARSAT dataset of Antarctica, Scientist can
visit the Dry Valleys. In this Animation we can fly over the area with the
greatest of ease.  The Dry Valleys is a desert like tundra. 995 Antarctica: Dry Valleys
This animation is a set up shot for editing in post production to compare images of the Larsen Ice Shelf. The red box highlights the Larsen Ice Shelf, in the northwest corner of the image.  994 Antarctica: Larsen Pre-shot (with box)
This animation is a set up shot for editing in post production to compare images of the Larsen Ice Shelf. 993 Antarctica: Larsen Pre-shot (without box)
Fimbul Ice shelf 986 Antarctica: Fimbul Ice Shelf Fly-over
Animation showing the camera flight path over the Fimbul Ice Shelf.  This camera flight path is used in animation #986. 985 Antarctica: Fimbul Ice Shelf Preview
Animation panning over Greenlands Ice Sheets 669 Greenland: Panning Over Ice Sheets
Zoom-out from the east coast of Greenland showing changes in ice thickness from 1993-1994 to 1998-1999 as measured by the Airborne Topographic Mapper 588 Greenland: East Coast Zoom-out with Ice Data
Greenland without ice change data 587 Greenland: East Coast Zoom-out without Ice Data
Zoom-down to the east coast of Greenland showing changes in ice thickness from 1993-1994 to 1998-1999 as measured by the Airborne Topographic Mapper 586 Greenland: East Coast Zoom-down with Ice Data
Zoom-down to Greenland's east coast 585 Greenland: East Coast Zoom-down without Ice Data
A pan around Greenland showing changes in ice thickness from 1993-1994 to 1998-1999 as measured by the Airborne Topographic Mapper 584 Greenland: Ice Change
Flight paths showing ice thickness changes as measured by the Airborne Topographic Mapper 583 Greenland: Multiple Flight Paths Showing Ice Change
One flight path over Greenland, colored using ice thickness change data from the Airborne Topographic Mapper 582 Greenland: Single Flight Path Showing Ice Change
Animation of flight paths over Greenland showing ice thickness change data from the Airborne Topographic Mapper 581 Greenland: Raw Data Flight Paths Showing Ice Change
Airplane collecting ice thickness data over Greenland 580 Greenland: Airplane Animation Revealing Ice Change
20,000 year old Antarctica 367 Antarctica Morph through Time: Wilkes Land View
Morph animation of 20,000 year old Antarctica to the present 366 Antarctica Morph through Time: Antarctic Peninsula
Zoom to the Ronne Ice Shelf and morph from 20,000 years ago to the present day 365 Antarctica Morph through Time: Ronne Ice Shelf Zoom 2
Animation of Ronne Ice Shelf morphing through the past 20,000 years 364 Antarctica Morph through Time: Ronne Ice Shelf Zoom
20,000 year morph animation of the Ross Ice Shelf 363 Antarctica Morph through Time: Ross Ice Shelf Zoom
The full, narrated 13-minute Glacier Bay video 98 Glacier Bay, Alaska, from the Ground, Air and Space
The full, narrated 17-minute Images video 97 Images of Earth and Space: The Role of Visualization in NASA Science
An extended flying tour of Glacier Bay 35 Changes in Glacier Bay: Fly Around Glacier Bay
Changes in Glacier Bays Burroughs Glacier from 1973 to 1986 34 Changes in Glacier Bay: Burroughs Glacier
Changes in Glacier Bays Carroll and Cushing Glaciers from 1973 to 1986 33 Changes in Glacier Bay: Carroll and Cushing Glaciers
Changes in Glacier Bays Rendu Glacier from 1973 to 1986 32 Changes in Glacier Bay: Rendu Glacier
Changes in Glacier Bays Grand Pacific Glacier from 1973 to 1986 31 Changes in Glacier Bay: Grand Pacific Glacier
Changes in Glacier Bays Margerie Glacier from 1973 to 1986 30 Changes in Glacier Bay: Margerie Glacier
Changes in Glacier Bays Reid and Lamplugh Glaciers from 1973 to 1986 29 Changes in Glacier Bay: Reid and Lamplugh Glaciers
Changes in Glacier Bays Brady Glacier from 1973 to 1986 28 Changes in Glacier Bay: Brady Glacier
Changes in Glacier Bays Casement Glacier from 1973 to 1986 27 Changes in Glacier Bay: Casement Glacier
Changes in Glacier Bays Riggs and McBride Glaciers from 1973 to 1986 26 Changes in Glacier Bay: Riggs and McBride Glaciers
Changes in Glacier Bays Muir Glacier from 1973 to 1986 25 Changes in Glacier Bay: Muir Glacier
Zooming in from a full image of Glacier Bay to a closeup of the Muir Glacier 24 Changes in Glacier Bay: Glacier Zoom In
Flying up Glacier Bays Muir Inlet, ending at the Muir Glacier 23 Changes in Glacier Bay: Glacier Fly Up
Are We Waking Sleeping Giants?<p>Dr. Waleed Abdalait's lecture on Climate Change and Polar Ice.<p><p><p><p><p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_799_01.html'>here</a>. 10371 Climate Change and Polar Ice
Arctic sea ice declined this summer to its second smallest extent in the satellite era, suggesting that the record set in 2007 may not have been an anomaly. If recent trends in the melt rate continue, we could see a virtually ice-free Arctic each summer much sooner than previously thought.<p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='SeaIce2008_transcript.htm'>here</a>.<p> 10353 Sea Ice 2008
This is a conceptual animation showing how polar ice reflects light from the sun.  As this ice begins to melt, less sunlight gets reflected into space.  It is instead absorbed into the oceans and land, raising the overall temperature, and fueling further melting. 10160 Global Ice Albedo ALTERNATE
This animation illustrates the dynamics of the network of subglacial lakes far beneath the ice streams of Antarctica. 10108 Antarctic Sub-glacial Lakes
This is the high definition version of the Ice Albedo-Global animation MPEG. 10021 Ice Albedo - Global View logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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