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SVS >> Climate

Movie ID Title
This data visualization of global temperature differences from 1880 to 2007.  Dark blue areas show regions where the temperature was cooler then the average temperature.  Red areas show regions where the temperature was warmer then the average. 3490 Five-Year Average Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2007
Global temperature anomalies averaged from 2002 to 2006. 3375 Five-Year Average Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2006
Animation of Temperature Response over North America, 1500 - 1998 C.E. 2322 Temperature Response, Global View Over North America
Animation of Temperature Response over Europe, 1500 - 1998 C.E. 2321 Temperature Response, Global View Over Europe
2320 Solar Radiance Graph
Animation of Temperature Response over Flat Earth, 1500 - 1998 C.E. 2319 Temperature Response, Flat Earth Map
The first module, Geography, deals briefly with the effect that geography has on global weather patterns and climate. 77 Cycles of the Atmosphere: Modules 1-3
Are We Waking Sleeping Giants?<p>Dr. Waleed Abdalait's lecture on Climate Change and Polar Ice.<p><p><p><p><p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_799_01.html'>here</a>. 10371 Climate Change and Polar Ice
Arctic sea ice declined this summer to its second smallest extent in the satellite era, suggesting that the record set in 2007 may not have been an anomaly. If recent trends in the melt rate continue, we could see a virtually ice-free Arctic each summer much sooner than previously thought.<p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='SeaIce2008_transcript.htm'>here</a>.<p> 10353 Sea Ice 2008
Animation of the A-train including the Glory satellite. 10340 A-Train with Glory
Short video about the connection between NASA research and Icelandic puffins. 10339 The Puffin-Satellite Connection
Much is still to be learned about how aerosols affect climate. This video gives a general overview of cloud-aerosol interactions and how the upcoming Glory mission will enable better understanding in the future. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='TheCloudMakers_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10333 The Cloud Makers
This short video describes how researchers use models to understand the Earth's changing temperature. 10256 Taking Earth's Temperature
This animation illustrates the effects of increased greenhouse gasses on the atmosphere.
10156 Greenhouse Gases Effect on Global Warming
This animation focuses on the abnormal fresh surface water condition of high latitude convection present in the ocean circulation conveyor belt. 10093 Ocean Convection at High Altitudes - Fresh Condition
This animation focuses on the normal condition of high latitutde convention present in the ocean circulation conveyor belt. 10092 Ocean Convection at High Altitudes - Normal Condition
This animation visually describes how CloudSat and CALIPSO data slices can augment the study of meteorology. 10091 Weather: CloudSat and CALIPSO Help the Study of Meteorology
This animation illustrates how CALIPSO captures data to study the nature of the atmosphere. 10090 CALIPSO Science Objectives Animation
This is an illustration of CloudSat science measurements of clouds' vertical structure, liquid water and ice quantities, as well as clouds' effect on Earth's energy budget. 10089 CloudSat Science Objectives Animation
The water circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. 10031 Ocean Circulation Conveyor Belt Helps Balance Climate logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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