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Carbon Dioxide

GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Paleoclimate >> Ice Core Records >> Carbon Dioxide

Movie ID Title
Carbon Dioxide graphs from the last 400,000; 1000; and 25 year ranges 3307 Missing Carbon: CO2 Growth in the last 400,000 years

GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Atmosphere >> Atmospheric Chemistry/Carbon and Hydrocarbon Compounds >> Carbon Dioxide

Movie ID Title
Carbon Dioxide graph from 1980 to 2005 over global biosphere data 3309 Missing Carbon: Global Biosphere with Carbon Dioxide Growth Overlaid
Graph with fossil fuel emissions, atmospheric increase, sink, and ENSO bars 3308 Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from 1980 to 2005
Carbon Dioxide graphs from the last 400,000; 1000; and 25 year ranges 3307 Missing Carbon: CO2 Growth in the last 400,000 years

SVS >> Carbon Dioxide

Movie ID Title
This visualization is a time-series of the global distribution and variation of the concentration of mid-tropospheric carbon dioxide observed by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on the NASA Aqua spacecraft. For comparison, it is overlain by a graph of the seasonal variation and interannual increase of carbon dioxide observed at the Mauna Loa, Hawaii observatory. 3562 Aqua/AIRS Carbon Dioxide with Mauna Loa Carbon Dioxide Overlaid
This visualization shows Aqua/AIRS mid-tropospheric carbon dioxide from July 2003. Low concentrations, 360 ppm, are shown in blue and high concentrations, 385 ppm, are shown in red. In the southern hemisphere, a belt of mid-tropospheric air containing enhanced concentrations of carbon dioxide emerged between 30 and 40 degrees south latitude. This belt had not previously been seen in any chemistry transport model. 3555 Aqua/AIRS Sees Belt of Carbon Dioxide in Southern Hemisphere with Winds
In the 1950's, the South African government decided to produce gasoline and chemicals from their plentiful natural supply of coal. The South African Coal liquidation plant also exports carbon dioxide. This image shows AIRS carbon dioxide data from July 2003. 3554 Aqua/AIRS Sees Belt of Carbon Dioxide in Southern Hemisphere
AIRS is providing the global background of carbon dioxide.  This animation shows the monthly averaged carbon dioxide and monthly averaged static wind vectors from July 2003. 3441 Aqua/AIRS Carbon Dioxide
This visualization shows global carbon dioxide from July 2003 at 8 km. Low concentrations are shown in blue and high concentrations are shown in red. 3440 Aqua/AIRS Global Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Dioxide graphs from the last 400,000; 1000; and 25 year ranges 3307 Missing Carbon: CO2 Growth in the last 400,000 years
Particle model for September 13, 1991 2389 Mount Pinatubo Particle Model
This animation illustrates the effects of increased greenhouse gasses on the atmosphere.
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