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Contact: Sharon P. Axson (843) 747-4175

September, 2006 Newsletter

Summer Ends and Fall Begins


Washington, Sep 29, 2006 -  

September has come (and almost gone) and the fall sports schedule is in full swing. In Washington, we are working to complete many outstanding legislative issues.

It appears that we have been most fortunate in avoiding a serious storm, thus far in the 2006 Hurricane Season. I'll continue to ask that you remain alert for severe weather systems. To answer any questions you may have, go to

As this session of Congress comes to a close, I want to take a moment to review what I consider my priorities and accomplishments as your representative in Washington.

Education: Committing Resources to Reform - I have been a strong supporter of efforts to not only provide our schools with necessary resources, but bring about long needed reforms.

Funding for the Department of Education has increased by over 150 percent since 1996; Pell Grants alone have increased by 64 percent over this time and special education funding has increased a total of 378 percent.

Health Care: Tackling America's Health Care Challenges - From a Medicare prescription drug benefit program that is driving down drug costs for over 38 million seniors to the passage of Health Savings Accounts that for the first time have brought competition to our health care system, much progress has been made in recent years.

I support efforts such as Association Health Plans that will go far towards expanding health care coverage to more Americans and driving costs down through competition.

Taxes: Keeping Taxes Low and Encouraging Economic Growth - Republican Tax Relief Efforts which I supported have resulted in historic economic growth for our country and millions of new jobs.

I have been a steadfast supporter of efforts to make significant reductions in the tax rates paid by all Americans, a doubling in the child tax credit, and expansion of relief from the penalty our tax code places on married couples permanent, as well as reducing the estate tax and fixing the growing problem of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

Transportation: National Leadership and Local Focus - I serve as a member of the influential Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and last year served as a negotiator on the final highway bill which resulted in over $125 million in funds for projects to improve transportation in the 1st District. This included over $80 million for the construction of I-73 to Myrtle Beach.

The needs of the 1st District's airports will continue to be my top priority as I work with my colleagues next year to modernize our nation's air transportation programs.

Veterans: Leading the Charge for Those Who Served - As Chairman of the House panel overseeing Veterans' Healthcare, I have been the chief advocate for the dramatic increases in Veterans' spending.

The House recently passed legislation I authored that would lay the groundwork for a major joint-use VA facility with the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston and set aside $70 million for its construction.

Defense: Protecting our Nation and Supporting Our Troops - Since coming to Congress, I have been a strong supporter of our military. In addition to supporting the funding necessary to meet the needs of our military, I have been a supporter of historic pay increases for our men and women in uniform.

Locally, I have been a champion of efforts that benefit our troops on the ground, from fighting for the continued funding for the C-17 program at Charleston Air Force Base to supporting Force Protection, a local company that produces the Buffalo and Cougar vehicles that are currently protecting our soldiers against mines and IED's in Afghanistan and in Iraq.

Energy: Developing New Resources for the Future - As a supporter of efforts to develop all domestic energy sources, from renewables to the vast amounts of oil and gas off shore, I feel that we need to take all steps towards developing more energy here at home.

I have been a supporter of local efforts to harness alternative energy and serve as a member of the Congressional Nuclear Caucus, the House Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Caucus and the House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus.

Port Security: The Home Front in the War on Terror - As a member of the Congressional Port Security Caucus, I understand the vulnerability of our regional ports.

I co-sponsored the recently passed SAFE Port Act, making the Port of Charleston home of Project SeaHawk - the nation's premier port security technology. The project brings together federal, state and local agencies to improve port security, and serves as a model for ports around the nation.

War in Iraq: The Front Line in the War on Terror - I understand that we continue to make progress in Iraq after ousting a dictator who was responsible for atrocious acts and the mass murder of his own citizens. Today Iraq is the front line in our war against terror and it must be clearly stated that "retreat is not an answer and no is not a policy."

As much remains to be done as Iraq rebuilds its infrastructure, it is clear that the global community must continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Iraqi citizens and remain resolute against those that want to cast Iraq into a civil war.

Coastal Issues/Tourism: Environmental Protection & Economic Growth - I have focused a great deal of attention towards assisting the fishing and shrimping communities that I represent in South Carolina's First District. I continue to support the marketing of "Wild American Shrimp" which is based in Charleston. I support and promote the domestic seafood industry and continue to fight to maintain a high price per pound ratio for all local fishermen and shrimpers that are working in the waters off South Carolina.

As one of ten House members appointed to the panel negotiating the final water resources bill, I am working to ensure that the 1st District's beach renourishment and outfalls needs receive the necessary funding and focus from the Army Corps of Engineers.

As chairman of the Congressional Friends of Canada Caucus and other groups in Congress, I am focused on being a strong advocate for our region's tourism industry, which forms the backbone of the 1st District's economy.

The resources of my offices are available, if I may be of assistance concerning any federal matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Refer to my web site for the best way to contact me. The address is .

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