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Contact: Sharon P. Axson (843) 747-4175

Brown Congratulates Berkeley County Schools for $1.1 Million Grant Award

Programs for Berkeley and Goose Creek High Schools


Washington, Sep 29, 2006 -  

The U.S. Department of Education today announced a grant award to Berkeley County School District (BCSD) for $1.1 million under the Smaller Learning Communities program. While this funding covers the period through September 2009, it is anticipated that the grant will be for a total of five years.

"This is excellent news for the Berkeley County School District and the students of Berkeley and Goose Creek High Schools," Brown said. "The grants team responsible for preparation of this application is to be commended for their work."

"Our goal is to create a school environment that is conducive to achievement for all students," said Claire Freeman, School Redesign Coordinator and project manager for the grant. "To borrow from Bill Gates, we intend to increase rigor, relevance and relationships for every student in our schools."

BCSD's award will fund the ACCENT project - Aligning Curriculum, Connecting Educators and Nurturing Teamwork. Freeman explained, "We will expand the Ninth Grade Academy and include a Freshman Focus to address careers, study skills and relationships through an Adult Advisory Program."

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