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Contact: Sharon P. Axson (843) 747-4175

Advanced Placement Incentive Grant Awarded to Charleston County School District

U.S. Education Official, Congressman Brown Announce Funds

Charleston, SC, Sep 8, 2006 -  

David Dunn, U.S. Department of Education Acting Under Secretary, today announced an Advanced Placement (AP) Incentive Program grant for the Charleston County School District. Congressman Henry Brown (R-SC-1) was invited to participate in the announcement at North Charleston High School. The District's Charleston Advanced Placement Strategy (CHAPS) will prepare targeted students for the challenges of AP courses.

"The award of this grant presents a great opportunity for the Charleston County School District," Brown said. "The CHAPS project has the potential to make great strides in improving AP participation among the District's at-risk student population." The three-year grant, worth $1.2 million, will target 10 high-poverty high schools and their feeder middle schools serving more than 10,000 students, according to the grant's activity summary.

"Students who take rigorous courses are more prepared for college work," Dunn said. "We are pleased to be able to come and award this grant." He also noted that President Bush has pledged to increase funding in these areas. Charleston County School District was one of 33 grantees throughout the country receiving a portion of the $17 million.

Brown and Dunn were accompanied by Superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson, Board Chair Nancy Cook, and Principal David Colwell in touring the school and visiting classes to afford students the opportunity to meet with these federal officials.

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