On a visit to the University of Georgia, Congressman Broun
talks with head football coach Mark Richt and discusses
legislative issues facing the university.
Broun's Four-Way Test
I am committed to protecting the constitutional rights and pocketbooks of every American. I will apply the following four-way test to every piece of legislation that comes before the House for a vote:

1) Is it Moral / Right?                 3) Is it Necessary?
2) Is it Constitutional?                4) Is it Affordable?
District Office Contact Info.
District Offices
Augusta / Evans District Office
Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 211661
    Augusta, GA 30917
    Phone: 706-447-3857
    Fax: 706-868-8756
Physical Address:
    4246 Washington Road, Suite 6
    Evans, GA 30809

Athens District Office
3706 Atlanta Highway, Suite 3B
Athens, GA 30606
Phone: 706-549-9588
Fax: 706-549-9590

Toccoa District Office
194 Remsdale Street
Toccoa, GA 30577
Phone: 706-886-1008
Fax: 706-886-1009
D.C. Office Contact Info.
Washington D.C Office
325 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4101
Fax: (202) 226-0776
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House Committees: News releases, hearing schedules and transcripts, oversight plans for the 19 standing committees and the other joint and select committees.

Senate Legislative Calendar: The Senate homepage contains information on its current floor schedule. Additionally, in the Legislation and Records section, you can access information about recent senate legislative activity and votes.

Floor Statements and Proceedings

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. It includes speeches and statements made in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives by all members.