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Mars Odyssey Observes First Anniversary in Space

Image of Mars Odyssey launch - click to view video
Image of Mars Odyssey at launch - watch the anniversary video!
What a year this has been for the Mars Odyssey team!

The excitement of launch last April 7, the arrival at Mars, the long, sometimes tedious aerobraking concluded so successfully, the beginning of the mapping phase ....

The detailed pictures the camera system is taking, letting scientists get closer and closer to Mars' mysteries ....

The evidence from the gamma ray spectrometer showing more hydrogen in Mars' southern hemisphere than was known before ....

The drama of the martian radiation environment experiment - as it turned out, the instrument was just taking a long nap ....

Anniversary Toasts From the Odyssey Team

Roger Gibbs
Roger Gibbs

"We have an A-plus spacecraft," said Roger Gibbs, Odyssey project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "Everything is going smoothly and we're looking forward to another great year."

Bob Berry
Bob Berry
Bob Berry, Lockheed Martin Astronautics Odyssey program manager, said, "The performance of the spacecraft and the spacecraft team has been virtually flawless during cruise, orbit insertion and aerobraking. Now it's payoff time and we're ecstatic to finally start seeing the fruits of our labor - great science."

He added, "Early results are amazing and the team is looking forward to Odyssey adding another chapter in our Mars book of knowledge."

Still early in the mapping mission, Odyssey has already begun to return surprising new views of the red planet.

Dr. Stephen Saunders
Dr. Steve Saunders
"Odyssey's unique instrument set is working nearly perfectly," said JPL's Odyssey project scientist Dr. Steve Saunders. "We are getting new insights into the physical and chemical makeup of Mars."

  Anniversary Toasts From the Odyssey Team (continued) >>

Full Text
    Mars Odyssey Observes First Anniversary in Space
    Anniversary Toasts From the Odyssey Team (continued)

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