Office of Science Office of Nuclear Physics



DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Meeting
July 21, 2006

Bethesda North Marriott and Conference Center
(Located near the White Flint Metro Station on the Red Line) 
Telephone Number:  301-822-9200
Fax Number: 301-822-9203


  • Perspectives from Department of Energy and National Science Foundation
  • Presentation and Discussion of New Charges
  • Public Comment 

For further information you may contact Brenda May at 301-903-0536


July 21, 2006
Time   Topic Speaker
 8:00 AM Welcome Tribble
 8:15 AM Agency Updates Dehmer/Kovar
 8:45 AM New Charges Keister/Kovar
 9:15 AM   NSAC Discussion of Charges Tribble
10:00 AM DNP Comments on LRP Charge Seestrom
  10:15 AM   Break  
10:30 AM   Science Presentation I (Borexino) Vogelaar
  11:00 AM   Science Presentation II (MiniBoone) Louis
11:30 AM Science Presentation III (KamLAND) Freedman
12:00 PM   Science Presentation IV (SNO) Lesko
12:30 PM   Working Lunch - Discussion of Charges Tribble
15:00 PM   Public Comment  
  15:30 PM   Adjourn  

Last updated 07/24/2006