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NETL Scientists Obtain In Situ Spectrum of Synthetic Methane Hydrate Sample

The National Energy Technology Laboratory's Methane Hydrate Research Team is investigating the physical properties of methane hydrates, including their use as a storage medium for natural gas. The Team has developed a method of obtaining Raman spectra of bulk, laboratory-prepared hydrate samples under the conditions of their synthesis. This unusual capability allows collection of vibrational spectroscopic data on samples unperturbed by changes in pressure and temperature, allowing new insights into hydrate structure, composition, and stability. This technique will be used to further provide important information about the hydrate, such as the presence of other cage types and the fraction of cages containing methane.

Initial results show two spectral bands that correspond to methane trapped in the large and small ice cages of the hydrate structure

Media contact: Dave Anna 412/386-4646,

For more information on NETL's Methane Hydrates Research Team, contact
Charles E. Taylor 412/386-6058,