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Producing Hydrogen from Water, without Electrolysis

Electrochemical potential difference drives the reaction

Electrochemical potential difference drives the reaction

Researchers at DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory have
patented a "Method of Generating Hydrogen by Catalytic Decomposition of Water." The invention potentially leapfrogs current capital and energy intensive processes that produce hydrogen from fossil fuels or through the electrolysis of water. According to co-inventor Arun Bose, "Hydrogen can be produced by electrolysis, but the high voltage requirements are a commercial barrier. The invention provides a new route for producing hydrogen
from water by using mixed proton-electron conducting membranes." Water is decomposed on the feed surface. The hydrogen is ionized and protons and electrons travel concurrently through the membrane. On the permeate
side, they combine into hydrogen molecules.


Media contact: David Anna 412/386-4646,