NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA Earth Observatory

Human Presence

  1. A Burning Question (DAAC Study)
    A Burning Question (DAAC Study) November 1, 1999

    Evidence suggests that atmospheric aerosols from biomass burning may offset global warming caused by greenhouse gases.

  2. Adapting to Climate Change
    Adapting to Climate Change October 13, 2000

    Teams of scientists and resource planners assess their region’s most critical vulnerabilities in the United States National Assessment on the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. The report covers agricultural productivity, coastal areas, water resources, forests, and human health.

  3. Ask-A-Scientist
    Ask-A-Scientist July 25, 2006

    Questions from visitors to the Earth Observatory and answers from scientists.

  4. Bright Lights, Big City
    Bright Lights, Big City October 23, 2000

    For the past six years, researchers have been looking for ways to measure the effects of urbanization on biological productivity in countries around the world. To assist them with their research, they have created a method of mapping urbanization on a countrywide scale by using satellite images of the light cities generate at night.

  5. Changing Our Weather One Smokestack at a Time
    Changing Our Weather One Smokestack at a Time August 7, 2000

    Daniel Rosenfeld and a team of scientists from the Hebrew University of Israel recently discovered that aerosol particles from factories and power plants increase the number of droplets in clouds they pollute. In doing so, the pollutants create brighter clouds that retain their water and do not produce rain.