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RAWS unit in the field



August 15, 2008

Laptop adaptors for RAWS DCP and dataloggers

For laptop computers with no serial port option, there are now only two options for USB-to-serial communications for Vaisala DCPs and FTS dataloggers:

  • For the Vaisala DCP, the only option is to purchase Vaisala part number 555-USB. This USB to serial adapter works only with Vaisala 555s. The 555-USB will not work with FTS or any other vendor data logger. Contact Vaisala directly for purchase (1-877-824-7252), the price for this item is currently listed at $175.00.
  • For the FTS datalogger, any quality USB to serial adapter will work. There are no known issues with communication errors using currently available USB to serial adapters.
  • Remember, the owner of the laptop computer must have full admin rights to load drivers and do any other hardware additions to their laptop computer.
  • Note: If the user works on both FTS and Vaisala RAWS, then two USB to serial adapters must be purchased.

GOES Channel assignments

A comprehensive reallocation and reorganization of all RAWS GOES channel assignments is being conducted by Robbie Swofford. If you have received, but have not used a channel assignment that is over 1 month old, the channel assignment may be changed. Contact Robbie Swofford, via e-mail at: Robbie_Swofford@nifc.blm.gov to verify or receive a new channel assignment. In your e-mail include the following: Station NESID, Station Name, Station transmit time, Channel, and Transmitter baud rate.

Also, remember that anytime a channel assignment is changed at your station, you must call the RAWS Help Desk at 208-387-5475 so that information can be entered in DAPS.

May 29, 2008

Scheduled Maintenance NFDRS standards - IMPORTANT!!!

All RSFWSU Depot Service Contract customers are reminded that RAWS sensor replacement should adhere to the schedule established by NFDRS standards. That document is available by link to the left of this page, but here's the critical info:

Relative Humidity/Air temperature sensor Yearly
Wind Speed/ Wind Direction sensor Every 2 years
Tipping Bucket Every 3 years
Solar Radiation sensor Every 3 years
Battery Every 3 years

The RSFWSU has many customers who order everything, every year, when there is no need to do so. Our interagency 'pool' of sensors is not sized for this demand, nor do we have the manhours to service that volume of hardware. When we catch such an order, it then takes time and research to call back the customer and determine the actual sensor requirement. The delay and time lost impacts sensor availability for all users. Remember: if your sensors fail before the NFDRS due date, you can certainly order a replacement. However, if they're working fine, please don't request a new one before it's due!

Station Maintenance Information - until CMMS arrives!

ASCADS is no longer the system of record for entering RAWS annual maintenance information, but CMMS is still unavailable to field users. Until CMMS is approved for general release, please send your station maintenance information to the RAWS Help Desk (rawsdepothelp@nifc.blm.gov). The most important data to pass is the date the station received maintenance, which sensors were replaced at the station (including old and new ASSET numbers for each component), and any general narrative comments. Sending the Help Desk this information for entry will keep your stations off of the weekly RAWS Non-Compliance Report.

March 17, 2008

THS-3/FS-3 Upgrades

The Remote Sensing Fire Weather Support Unit (RSFWSU) has a new policy for upgrades to THS-1 and THS-2000 RH/AT sensors and FS-11 fuel sticks. RSFWSU Upgrade and Support Policy Please contact Herb Arnold, BLM Remote Sensing Fire Weather Support Unit Manager, at 208-387-5363 or e-mail herb_arnold@nifc.blm.gov if you have any questions.

For more information about the interagency RAWS program, contact USFS Program Manager Linnea Keating or BLM Remote Sensing Fire Weather Support Unit Manager Herb Arnold.