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Legislation in the 110th Congress (2007-2008):

Legislation Introduced/Sponsored by Congressman Brown in the 110th Congress

Legislation Co-Sponsored by Congressman Brown in the 110th Congress

Please visit THOMAS, a legislative database operated by the Library of Congress for more legislative information, including the text of bills, reports, voting records, and the Congressional Record from current and past Congresses. (more)

Congressional Activity:

On the House Floor Now
(From the Office of the Clerk)

House Legislative Schedule
(From the House Republican Whip)

House Calendar
(From the House Republican Whip)

Résumés of Congressional Activity
From the Library of Congress. Résumés provide numerical information about a session of Congress, such as how many bills were introduced or how many hours the House was in session.

Legislative Links:

The Legislative Process: A Brief Overview

Congressional Record
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress. The House Rule's Committee has information on Using the Congressional Record.

Committee Activites & Documents
Congress divides its work among over two hundred committees and subcommittees, each of which issues regular reports on its activities. Learn about Committee Reports, Hearings,

U.S. Code
The U.S. Code contains the general and permanent laws of the United States.

How Our Laws Are Made
Learn more about the legislative process. For younger folks, please visit the Kid's Version from the Clerk of the House.