Press Release

Media Contact: 
Sally Tibbetts 941.951.6643


March 5, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman Vern Buchanan released the following statement today regarding the majority’s proposed fiscal year 2009 federal budget.  The proposed budget calls for a massive increase in federal spending paid for by a record tax hike on working families.

“I reject the same old tax and spend policies of the past,” said Buchanan.  “The American people deserve a bold new plan – a fiscally responsible plan to eliminate wasteful spending and balance the budget without raising taxes.  It is the right thing to do for taxpayers today and for future generations.” 

The spending plan being considered today by the House Budget Committee would spend $276 billion more than the president proposes and increase taxes a record $683 billion. 

“The last thing we need in a slow economy is higher taxes,” added Buchanan.  “We don’t have a revenue problem; we have a spending problem.  That’s why to secure our economic future Congress must make the tough choices necessary to balance the budget without raising taxes.”

Last year, the 13th District Congressman voted for a fiscal year 2008 omnibus spending bill that eliminated $22 billion in new spending.  He also voted 50 times to reduce government spending an additional $73.3 billion in 2007 alone.  In addition, Buchanan introduced legislation to amend the constitution to require a balanced budget by 2012 and earmark reform legislation to help reduce spending and prevent abuse.  

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