Press Release

Media Contact: 
Sally Tibbetts 941.951.6643


February 15, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman Vern Buchanan’s proposals to improve small business assistance programs for veterans were signed into law by President Bush this week. 

 The president signed the “Military Reservist and Veteran Small Business Reauthorization Act” (H.R. 4253) on Thursday.  The bill includes language from Buchanan’s “SBA Veterans’ Programs Act of 2007” (H.R. 2366), which as passed by the House in June of 2007 to provide greater resources and training to veterans hoping to become business entrepreneurs.

“Like my bill, this law will help veterans make an important transition from soldier to small business owner,” said Buchanan.  “As a blue collar kid who became a successful businessman, I have lived the American dream.  I want veterans who have sacrificed on our behalf to have the same opportunity.  By providing veterans with grants, information services, and contact with professionals in their chosen field, these programs will help them become entrepreneurs in their own right.” 

The military reservist and veteran small business reauthorization bill, which first passed the House in December of 2007 and signed today, includes provisions from Buchanan’s bill to provide veterans with the market research, financial options, and technological training important to becoming a successful small business owner.  Both bills would not only expand the number and scope of Veteran Outreach Centers, they would ensure the opening of more doors and opportunities for our women veterans. 

Buchanan is a member of both the House Small Business Committee and the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. 

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