Press Release

Media Contact: 
Sally Tibbetts 941.951.6643


Small Business Committee Approves Measure to Help Veterans Succeed in Small Business
May 23, 2007

Washington, DC -- Congressman Vern Buchanan’s legislation to provide greater resources and training for veterans hoping to become business entrepreneurs was approved unanimously today by the House Small Business Committee.  The bill now goes to the House floor for approval.

“My bill will help veterans make an important transition from soldier to small business owner,” said Buchanan.  “It will go a long way toward helping them succeed in the world of small business after their military service is over.”

The “SBA Veterans’ Programs Act of 2007” (H.R. 2366) requires the SBA’s Office of Veterans Business Development to help veterans through grants, information services, and contact with professionals in their fields of endeavor.  The bill puts an emphasis on providing veterans with the market research, financial options, and technological training important to becoming a successful small business owner.

“This bill will give our veterans not just a chance at success in a business enterprise, but provide them with all the help and assistance a grateful nation can offer,” added Buchanan, who noted the bill not only expands not only the number and scope of Veteran Outreach Centers, it ensures the opening of more doors and opportunities for women veterans.  “Assisting our women returning from combat has been an area long over looked and it’s high time we did something about it. “

Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), Ranking Member Steve Chabot (R-OH) and five other members of the House Small Business Committee are cosponsors of the bipartisan bill.  In addition to serving on the House Small Business Committee, Buchanan is a member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

Earlier this year, the House passed another Buchanan bill aimed at improving health care treatment for wounded veterans.

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