Press Release

Media Contact: 
Sally Tibbetts 941.951.6643

Buchanan Votes to Lower Drug Costs For Seniors

AARP-Backed Bill Allows Government to Negotiate Medicare Drug Prices
January 12, 2007

Washington, DC -- U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan today voted for legislation endorsed by the AARP allowing the government to negotiate lower Medicare drug prices for seniors.

The bill passed the House and now goes to the Senate for consideration.

The Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act (H.R. 4) requires the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate the price of drugs covered by the Medicare prescription drug benefit. 

"This bill tells federal officials to fight for the lowest possible drug price on behalf of our seniors," Buchanan said. "This is common-sense legislation that could save taxpayers money and lower prescription drug costs for the thousands of seniors in my District."

"Millions of seniors across America are saving money under Medicare's new prescription drug benefit," Buchanan said. "The bill I voted for today could save seniors even more."


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