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Information current as of Sep. 17, 2008.
Department: Health and Hospitals
Agency: Office of Aging and Adult Services
Category: Disability
Service: Adult Day Health Care Waiver
Description: What is the Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) Waiver program?
It is a special program that provides certain services for five (5) or more hours per day in a licensed and Medicaid enrolled Adult Day Health Care Facility to people who qualify.

What services do people get?
Services include assistance with activities of daily living (toileting, grooming, etc), health & nutrition counseling, social services, exercise programs, health education classes, a hot meal & two snacks, transportation, and some health/nursing services.

Who can qualify for services?
--Individuals age 65 or older can qualify if they meet Medicaid financial eligibility; meet the requirements for admission to a nursing facility (nursing facility level of care) and meet the imminent risk criteria; or
--Individuals age 22-64 who are disabled according Medicaid standards or SSI disability criteria; meet Medicaid financial eligibility; meet the requirements for admission to a nursing facility (nursing facility level of care); and meet the imminent risk criteria.

What are the 2008 income limits?
--The income limits are $1,911 for an individual and $3,822 for a couple (when both spouses need long-term care.)

What are the 2008 resource limits?
Resources are the things people own. When we count resources for this program, we do not count the person’s home, the car they drive to medical appointments, or other basic resources.
--Single people can have no more than $2,000 in resources. Couples can have no more than $3,000 in resources when both spouses need long-term care.
--Married couples can have up to $104,400 in resources, as long as one spouse at home does not get long-term care.

How can people get Adult Day Health Care Waiver services?
--The Department keeps an ADHC Request for Services Registry (formerly known as the “waiting list”) of people who have asked for these services, along with the date of the request.
--Based on date of first request for services, the Department first offers ADHC Waiver opportunities to people from the ADHC Request for Services Registry who are in nursing facilities but can return to their homes if they get services and/or people who might go into nursing facilities in the next 120 days unless they get services.
--All other ADHC Waiver opportunities, if available, are offered on a first-come, first-served
basis based on date of first request for services.
--To add your name to the ADHC Request for Services Registry, call the Louisiana Options in Long Term Care Help Line at 1-877-456-1146, Mondays - Fridays, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Type: State-sponsored/funded service
Fee: None Required
Service Links: Adult Day Health Care Overview
Adult Day Health Care Directory
Adult Day Health Care: Fact Sheet
Contact: Long Term Care Help Line
Phone: ( 877 ) 456 - 1146
Service Locations
Office of Aging and Adult Services
Physical Address
628 North 4th Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Mailing Address
P.O.Box 2031
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Primary Phone Number: ( 866 ) 758 - 5035
Fax Number: ( 225 ) 219 - 0202
E-mail: MedWeb@dhh.la.gov
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday: Closed