National Institute for Literacy

[LearningDisabilities 1313] New from NCSALL

Kaye Beall kbeall at
Mon Jul 30 12:55:06 EDT 2007

We'd like to share two, new resources from the National Center for the Study
of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL). The materials can be downloaded
free from the NCSALL website at <> .

Skills for Disease Prevention <>
and Screening
By Rima E. Rudd, Lisa Soricone, and Jennie Maricel Santos
The goal of this 15-hour study circle+ is to prepare participants to help
their students develop basic skills needed for engaging in disease
prevention and screening activities. These skills include decision-making,
using graphs and charts, calculating percentages, and interpreting risks and

For more information and to download, go to:

Evidence-based Practice: A <>
Workshop for Training Adult Basic Education, TANF and One Stop Practitioners
and Program Administrators (May 2007)
By Cristine Smith, Beth Bingman, Lennox McLendon, and John Comings
The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL)
and the National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium
(NAEPDC), with funding from the National Institute for Literacy (Institute),
created a one-day workshop to assist practitioners and administrators in
adult basic education, TANF (Transitional Assistance for Needy Families) and
One Stop programs to understand evidence-based practice and develop
strategies for continuously accessing, understanding, judging and using

For more information and to download, go to:



Kaye Beall

World Education

6760 West Street

Linn Grove, IN 46711

Tel: 765-717-3942

Fax: 617-482-0617

kaye_beall at

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