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[ A-C ]

Criminal Justice Summit Final Report (posted 09-08-03)
The Criminal Justice Impaired Driving Seminar was held in November 2002 in collaboration with the National Criminal Justice Association. The summary report reviewed impaired driving from arrest through adjudication, to finality of the case. This report which includes the recommendations of the participants to improve criminal justice system, as it pertains to impaired driving.

[ D-F ]

Evaluation of A Day Reporting Center for Repeat DWI Offenders
This research report describes and evaluates the effectiveness of a Day Reporting Center (DRC) in Phoenix, Arizona in reducing the DWI recidivism of repeat DWI offenders. The study found that the DRC program was no more effective in reducing recidivism than was a standard probation program. However, other measures of effectiveness yielded more positive results.

Evaluation of Checkpoint Tennessee: Tennessee's Statewide Sobriety Checkpoint Program, January 1999
This report describes the results of a NHTSA cooperative agreement with the state of Tennessee to conduct a highly publicized sobriety checkpoint program throughout the state and evaluate the effects of that program.

Examination of DWI Conviction Rate Procedures
This research study examined how various jurisdictions across the country compute their DWI conviction rates. Although it seems like there would be an obvious and standardized method, in reality, various methods are used, making comparisons between jurisdictions difficult. The objective of this study was to document if different formulas are used, determine the positives and negatives of different approaches, and recommend a conviction rates formula.  (Also Available in PDF version)

[ G-I ]

Guidelines for a Suspended or Revoked Operator Enforcement Program
The National Sheriffs' Association, is proud to have taken the lead in researching, testing, and publishing a model program entitled "Guidelines for a Suspended or Revoked Operator Enforcement Program." This program has proven to be a very effective enforcement tool for administrators desiring to address the growing problem of multiple suspended or revoked operators who openly disregard compliance with the law by continuing to drive. Also Download PDF version (222KB)

[ J-L ]

Law Enforcement Executives Summit on Drugs, Driving and Youth Also in .pdf - In February 2000 (posted 6-22-01)
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the International Association of Chiefs of Police held a conference to address youth alcohol, other drugs, and driving. This is a summary report of the Summit.

[ M-O ]

[ P-R ]

Problems and Solutions in DWI Enforcement Systems (posted 01-98)
Many alcohol-impaired drivers go either undetected or unpunished. This report attempts to identify where and how these individuals slip through the cracks in the criminal justice system. It also suggests potential fixes to close those loopholes.

[ S-U ]

Strategies for Success: Combatting Juvenile DUI (posted 12-99)
A four-part document within one cover that presents the case for building a comprehensive criminal justice system response to juvenile impaired driving and underage drinking. The publication identifies and describes eight program foundation elements, provides tools (policies, programs and other backup material) to assist in developing a comprehensive system and provides advice from criminal justice officials to their peers in the form of pull-out pamphlets.

Traffic Safety Today - Criminal Justice Leadership Meeting (posted 10/28/04)
In September 2003, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) convened a meeting of criminal justice association leaders to address strategies for reducing traffic crashes. This 34-page report summarizes the meeting and identifies actions to improve traffic safety.

Use of Sobriety Checkpoints for Impaired Driving Enforcement, (posted 11-1990)
These guidelines have been designed to provide law enforcement agencies with a uniform and successful method to plan, operate and evaluate sobriety checkpoints.

[ V-Z ]

Validation of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test Battery at BACS Below 0.10 Percent, (posted 08-1998)
PDF version
This report documents study results which evaluated the accuracy of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) battery to assist officers in making arrest decisions for DWI at blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) below 0.10 percent.