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Washington, May 20, 2008 - Congressman Mike Pence gave the following statement at a Republican Leadership press conference immediately after House Republicans successfully prevented the Democrat Majority from using American servicemen and women serving in the field as a vehicle for additional spending and tax increases in H.R. 2642, the Iraq/Afghanistan Supplemental Appropriations Bill.

“I want to thank the leadership of our conference, Leader Boehner and Whip Blunt, for this decisive, successful statement by Republicans on the floor of the Congress today.

“Essentially what Republicans on the floor of the House of Representatives said today to the Democrats is: Enough is enough. We are not playing politics with our funding for our soldiers in the field.

“Everyone knows that Republicans support our soldiers in the field, they support the war in Iraq. Today, the Democrats showed their true colors: defeating a bill that funded our troops, while passing legislation that micromanaged our commanders in the field, added billions in domestic spending, and increased taxes.

“I think what came into high relief today is the truth. And the truth is that the Democrat leadership in the Congress never wanted to fund our troops in the field. The truth is, the Democrats in Congress simply want to grow government, and micromanage our soldiers, and raise taxes.

“The Republicans have taken a stand today. And I believe it will resonate with millions of Americans who understand that, when we have troops in harm's way, we don't play politics with the resources they need to get the job done and come home safe.”

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