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Pence visits with Keim family


Washington, Jun 20, 2007 -  WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Congressman Mike Pence applauded President Bush’s veto today of a Democrat bill that would expand taxpayer funding of human embryo-destroying stem cell research. Pence attended the veto ceremony at the White House today.

"Today the President of the United States kept his word to the American people again by saying yes to life and no to research that destroys human embryos.

"This debate is not about whether embryonic stem cell research – research that destroys a human embryo for scientific research - should take place. This is about who pays for it.

"The bill the president vetoed today authorizes the use of federal tax dollars to fund the destruction of human embryos for scientific research. The federal government should not take the taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use them to fund the destruction of human embryos for research.

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