National Institute for Literacy

[LearningDisabilities 1200] Re: Focus on Basics on learningdisabilities

BKuSh407 at BKuSh407 at
Sat May 19 09:53:50 EDT 2007

Dear Betsy,
Thank you for your comments. You are "right on" when it comes to teaching
English basics (reading and grammar) to ESOL adults with language processing
difficulties. As an ESOL teacher in adult education, one of my biggest
challenges is finding adult reading material to teach phonemic awareness as well
as easy reading stories I am always looking for age appropriate material to
teach reading to my Low Beginning adult esol students.
Can you recommend any books that are designed to teach reading skills to the
adult ESOL student?
Barbara Kushner
Adult Education Center, WPB, Fl.

PS "Laubach" bores them!

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