National Institute for Literacy

[LearningDisabilities 989] Fwd: Re: Looking for expert advice to help literacy student

RKenyon721 at RKenyon721 at
Thu Mar 29 15:03:43 EDT 2007

I am forwarding a response from another subscriber.

Keep the suggestions coming~


Rochelle Kenyon
Moderator, LINCS Learning Disabilities Discussion List
Center for Literacy Studies at the University of Tennessee
_RKenyon721 at aol.com_ (mailto:RKenyon721 at

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I asked a person who has extensive experience with severe learning
disabilities in all ages. He asked not to be identified because he hasn't talked
directly with your student. He says, "If she is a true 'mirror reader,' this is
extremely rare. I have encountered two in my career. Sometimes it appears
that everything is being seen backwards when it is still really a phonological
to graphic mapping problem.

"They may want to continue with Wilson, but also experiment with text on
transparencies so they can be flipped over and the words appear in 'reverse.'
Any software that might help them to transpose text (right to left) might also
be worth experimenting with. Another possibility might be to use a speech
recognition program to write, to reinforce the connection between the sounds
and graphic representation."

Hope this helps--

Robbie Fanning
AmeriCorps Member
San Mateo County Public Library (CA)
_fanning at plsinfo.org_ (mailto:fanning at


Can you give me any insight into how to help, what questions to ask of
whom, for a person who decodes and writes from right to left?


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