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Pence with RSC Budget


Washington, Dec 6, 2006 - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence today praised Congressman Jeb Hensarling's election to chair the House Republican Study Committee.  
"The members of the Republican Study Committee chose wisely in electing Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas as their chairman for the 110th Congress.
"As the first contested election for chairman of the RSC, this was a choice between two good conservatives. I commend Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas on a well-fought campaign and on his many years of conservative leadership.
"Jeb Hensarling is a friend of freedom like no other.  Over the past two years, Jeb has been at the center of every battle where House conservatives made a difference for fiscal discipline and reform. Jeb Hensarling is the right man to lead House conservatives in the 110th Congress.

"For his integrity, his personal courage and his unparalleled devotion to the conservative agenda, I welcome the election of my friend, and freedom's friend, Jeb Hensarling of Texas as the next chairman of the Republican Study Committee." 


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