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Fair Mental Health Evaluation for Returning Veterans Act (H.R. 3167)

ABC News Correspondent, Bob Woodruff recently reported that more than 22,000 servicemen and women from all branches of the military have been discharged under “personality disorders” since 2001. This diagnosis prevents soldiers from receiving compensation for PTSD and other health claims despite their combat service records.

Several of the impacted soldiers have publicly come forward to challenge the determination of their separation, and many believe that the military is purposely misdiagnosing soldiers to avoid paying a lifetime of disability and medical benefits.

In response to this, I introduced H.R. 3167, the Fair Mental Health Evaluation for Returning Veterans Act, which would require the Department of Defense (DOD) to place a temporary moratorium on personality disorder discharges, except in certain specified cases. This moratorium would be lifted upon:

1. Completion of a comprehensive review of DOD policies for diagnosing personality disorder;
2. Certification that diagnoses of personality disorder are based on standard clinical diagnostic
practices; and
3. Establishment of an independent review board for soldiers discharged with personality

In the Senate, a bipartisan group led by Senators Barack Obama (D-IL) and Kit Bond (R-MO) introduced similar legislation.

This commonsense safeguard will ensure our troops are not improperly diagnosed or denied compensation for mental health treatment. We owe it to our military heroes to uphold good-faith procedures that are in place to evaluate the use of this serious diagnosis.

Click here for the status and cosponsors of H.R. 3167

Press Release on Event with Colonel Schmitd who was discharted with PD