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Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act (H.R. 3407)

Phil speaking at a Congressional briefing on PBIS

Reducing disciplinary problems is one of the greatest challenges facing our schools. Not only does classroom disorder present a serious obstacle toward raising student achievement, but educators also cite high rates of problem behaviors as a primary reason why teachers are leaving the profession.

Schools typically respond to disciplinary problems with “get tough” approaches, such as expulsions, suspensions, or by removing troublemakers from the classroom. However, research shows that punitive approaches to discipline are ineffective and disproportionately harm students of color and students with disabilities.

One effective approach being implemented all over the country is school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBS). PBIS is a research-based system designed to create and maintain safe effective learning environments by using early-intervention and proactive teaching techniques to encourage positive behavior among students.

Illinois proudly serves as a model for statewide PBIS with over 800 schools in 200 school districts currently implementing the system. In fact, I first learned of PBIS when I visited Monmouth-Roseville Junior High in 2007. Impressed by the success of the students, I was inspired to bring PBIS to schools across the country.

As such, I introduced the Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act (H.R. 3407), which provides schools with the flexibility and technical assistance needed to implement, expand, and sustain the use of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports system.

This bill is supported by: The American School Counselor Association, National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, and many other organizations and advocacy groups.

Click here to see the status and cosponsors of H.R. 3407

Helpful Links:

Recent News on PBIS [link pending]

Illinois PBIS Network

National Technical Assistance Center on PBIS

Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), U.S. Department of Education





Letter from the "Coalition Promoting School Success for All Children" in Support of H.R. 3407 ( 09/18/08 09:10 AM PST )
Phil's Introductory Remarks on H.R. 3407 ( 09/18/08 09:02 AM PST )