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Topic: Home > Policies > Defense

President Discusses Defense Priorities at American Legion
"We have a clear eye on foreign policy. We recognize it's a dangerous world. I know this nation still has enemies, and .. - 36.3KB
31 Aug 01
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President's Statement on H.R. 2216, the "Supplemental Appropriations Act, FY 2001"
"This important supplemental appropriation provides urgently needed resources to enhance defense readiness .. - 20.3KB
24 Jul 01
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Press Conference by President Bush and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi
"We've got great trade between our nations and we work together to make sure that trade continues. We've got good ... - 28.8KB
23 Jul 01
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Dr. Rice Discusses Bilateral Meeting of President Bush and Russian President Putin
"Well, I think that I'd just point you to the line in the joint statement that they already have .. - 20.3KB
22 Jul 01
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Press Conference by President Bush and President Putin
"I appreciate so very much President Putin's willingness to think differently about how to make the world more peaceful. He ... - 26.7KB
22 Jul 01
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President Bush To Nominate Three Individuals to Serve in his Administration
Brooks joined the National Security Council after a thirty years in the U. Navy. He is a graduate of Duke ... - 5.9KB
20 Jul 01
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President Bush Speaks to the Press in London
"...the world leaders have found that I'm a person who speaks plainly and openly about key issues. We're willing to listen. .. - 8.1KB
19 Jul 01
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Hungary. Linton F. Brooks, of Virginia, to be Deputy Administrator ... - 4.1KB
19 Jul 01
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President Bush Speaks at Pentagon Assistive Technology Center
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Mr. Secretary, thank you very much for your .. - 13.8KB
19 Jun 01
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President Bush Announces Four People to Serve in His Administration
SECRETARY POWELL: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Dr. Rice and I are .. - 21.3KB
18 Jun 01
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