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Ebola outbreak forces Angola to close Congo border

An outbreak of the deadly ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo has prompted neighboring Angola to close its border with that country, Angola's state news agency reported Tuesday.

Two kidnapped journalists reported freed in Somalia

Two journalists -- one British and one Spanish -- who were kidnapped in Somalia in November have been released, according to a Somali press group.

Opposition candidate wins Ghana presidential election

Opposition candidate John Evans Atta Mills has narrowly won Ghana's presidential election, the Ghana Electoral Commission said on its Web site.

Stoves help keep Darfur's women out of harm's way

In Sudan's Darfur region, where violence and genocide are rampant, women risk their lives every day performing tasks as seemingly mundane as seeking out firewood.

Zimbabwean lawyer: Law has broken down

The lawyer for a top Zimbabwean human rights activist said Friday that law has "absolutely broken down" in the country after a court in Harare ruled against her client.

Tributes paid to anti-apartheid crusader Helen Suzman

Anti-apartheid campaigner Helen Suzman, twice nominated for a Nobel Peace prize, died Thursday at her home in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was 91.

Reporter killed in Somali shootout

A reporter for Somalia's Shabelle Radio was shot and killed Thursday during a gun battle south of Mogadishu, the network reported.

Zimbabwe activists remain locked up

A court in Zimbabwe ordered 14 activists to remain in jail Wednesday, pending a Supreme Court hearing over their alleged participation in a plot to topple the government of President Robert Mugabe. Two other activists facing lesser charges were released.

Ghana vote results expected Friday

Ghana's new president won't be determined until Friday when voters in one constituency return to the polls to recast their ballots, the chairman of the Ghana Electoral Commission announced.

Presidential election polls close in Ghana

Polls closed Sunday in Ghana's presidential runoff election after what one official described as a peaceful round of voting, one that shows the country is an example for other African nations.

Ebola outbreak forces Angola to close Congo border

An outbreak of the deadly ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo has prompted neighboring Angola to close its border with that country, Angola's state news agency reported Tuesday.

Two kidnapped journalists reported freed in Somalia

Two journalists -- one British and one Spanish -- who were kidnapped in Somalia in November have been released, according to a Somali press group.

Opposition candidate wins Ghana presidential election

Opposition candidate John Evans Atta Mills has narrowly won Ghana's presidential election, the Ghana Electoral Commission said on its Web site.

Stoves help keep Darfur's women out of harm's way

In Sudan's Darfur region, where violence and genocide are rampant, women risk their lives every day performing tasks as seemingly mundane as seeking out firewood.

Zimbabwean lawyer: Law has broken down

The lawyer for a top Zimbabwean human rights activist said Friday that law has "absolutely broken down" in the country after a court in Harare ruled against her client.

Tributes paid to anti-apartheid crusader Helen Suzman

Anti-apartheid campaigner Helen Suzman, twice nominated for a Nobel Peace prize, died Thursday at her home in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was 91.

Reporter killed in Somali shootout

A reporter for Somalia's Shabelle Radio was shot and killed Thursday during a gun battle south of Mogadishu, the network reported.

Zimbabwe activists remain locked up

A court in Zimbabwe ordered 14 activists to remain in jail Wednesday, pending a Supreme Court hearing over their alleged participation in a plot to topple the government of President Robert Mugabe. Two other activists facing lesser charges were released.

Ghana vote results expected Friday

Ghana's new president won't be determined until Friday when voters in one constituency return to the polls to recast their ballots, the chairman of the Ghana Electoral Commission announced.

Presidential election polls close in Ghana

Polls closed Sunday in Ghana's presidential runoff election after what one official described as a peaceful round of voting, one that shows the country is an example for other African nations.

Congo groups: 400 massacred on Christmas day

A Catholic aid organization operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the country's government have accused Uganda-based rebels of massacring 400 civilians during Christmas celebrations last week.

Zimbabwe cholera deaths pass 1,500

The number of cholera deaths in Zimbabwe continues to increase, a World Health Organization spokesman said Monday.

Somali president quits amid power struggle

Somalia's transitional president has resigned amid a power struggle with the African nation's prime minister and parliament, sources told CNN on Monday.

MDC: Mugabe issues passport to rival

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's government has issued a new passport to opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, according to a senior official with Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change party.

Ghanaians set to elect new president

Ghanaians vote Sunday in a presidential runoff election to choose a successor to President John Kufuor, who will step down after two terms.

Zimbabwe's children 'wasting away' - aid group

Some of Zimbabwe's children are "wasting away" as political turmoil and economic crisis have caused a severe food shortage, according to a report from Save the Children.

Jailed Zimbabwe activists caught in legal battle

Zimbabwean police are in contempt of court for failing to follow a judge's order to release jailed members of the opposition, attorneys for the activists said.

Guinea coup leader offers safety guarantee

The leader of this week's coup in Guinea assured senior officials Thursday "they are safe," a journalist with the state-run newspaper told CNN.

Zimbabwe police ignore order to release activists

Police in Zimbabwe appear to be disregarding a High Court order to release members of the opposition in their custody, a lawyer representing them said Thursday.

Judge orders release of Zimbabwe activists

A High Court judge in Zimbabwe on Wednesday ordered the unconditional release of 23 human rights activists and members of the opposition -- including a 2-year-old -- who had been abducted by secret agents.

Coup leader names himself Guinea president

A military junta that toppled Guinea's government announced its new leader Wednesday in a nationwide radio address.

Coup fear as Guinea president dies

The West African country of Guinea, reeling after the death of President Lansana Conte, is staring at the prospect of widespread political instability amid an apparent coup.

Commentary: No one is safe in Congo strife

"Every night someone disappears. Parents and children vanish. We don't know where they have gone. There are killings in the nights. We hear shooting," Valerie, a 27-year-old mother, said of life in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mugabe: U.S. and West are 'stupid and foolish'

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe described the U.S. government and Western nations as "quite stupid and foolish" Tuesday for trying to be involved in the African country's affairs.

Diplomat: U.S. no longer supports Zimbabwe power-share deal

The United States no longer supports a power-sharing deal between Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe and the country's main opposition because a viable unity government is not possible with Mugabe in power, a top U.S. diplomat said Sunday.

Iranian navy joins fight against Somali pirates

A group of Iranian warships steamed into the Gulf of Aden, joining an expanding list of navies sent to protect shipping routes from Somali pirates, state-run media reported Saturday.

New Zimbabwe $10B note buys bread

Zimbabwe's central bank introduced a $10 billion note worth less than 20 U.S. dollars, as the once-prosperous southern African nation battles against spiraling hyperinflation.

Opposition leader threatens to halt Zimbabwe unity talks

The man who would be Zimbabwe's prime minister under a power-sharing pact said Friday his party will withdraw from efforts to implement the unity government unless 42 abducted members of his party are freed by New Year's Day.

Trio found guilty of Rwandan genocide

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on Thursday convicted the "mastermind" of the Rwandan genocide and sentenced him to life in prison for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

Thousands of Zimbabwean youth flee to South Africa

Roughly etched onto Brian's arm is a swastika tattoo.

Pirates to receive millions in ransom for release of arms ship

Pirates holding a ship full of tanks and ammunition off the coast of Somalia are likely to be paid millions of dollars in ransom within days, senior U.S. military officials said.

Poisoned medicine kills dozens of children in Nigeria

Nneka and Chimezie Ononaku unwittingly poisoned their own four-month-old son Chinonso.

Zimbabwe cholera deaths pass 1,000

The number of cholera deaths in Zimbabwe has passed 1,000, the United Nations said Wednesday.

About 30 Chinese rescued from pirate attack

Multinational naval forces rescued the crew of a Chinese merchant ship from pirates in the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday, shipping sources said.

Scores dying from disease in Congo conflict

The number of young children dying from preventable diseases like malaria and diarrhea has increased dramatically because of war in eastern Congo, an aid agency announced Wednesday.

U.N.: Militaries can pursue Somali pirates on land

The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution on Tuesday aimed at combating piracy along the Horn of Africa by allowing military forces to chase pirates onto land in cases of "hot pursuit."

Gunmen kill aid worker in Congo ambush

Gunmen killed an aid worker in war-wracked eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in an ambush Monday, according to his employer, an Italian non-government organization.

Somali president names new prime minister

Somali president Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed Tuesday appointed a new prime minister -- but the previous prime minister is refusing to accept his dismissal.

Zimbabwe: Opposition training for war

A key ally of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe on Monday accused the opposition of training for armed rebellion.

Canada: Two diplomats missing in Niger

Two Canadian diplomats have been reported missing in Niger, the Canadian government said Monday, adding that both men work for the United Nations.

U.N.: Zimbabwe cholera deaths nearly 1,000

The number of cholera deaths in Zimbabwe is approaching 1,000, according to U.N. figures published Monday.

3 armies raid rebel camp in eastern Congo

Three African armies launched a raid on a rebel camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the three armies announced on Monday.

Tracking deadly viruses' spread from animals to humans

The animals are gone.

World's most valuable resource, a curse for most Nigerians

Trash litters its cities. Electricity is sporadic at best. There is no clean water. Medical and educational services are limited. Basic infrastructure is severely lacking.

Anderson Cooper free dives with great white sharks in South Africa

"Planet in Peril: Battle Lines" traveled to a place off the coast of South Africa known as "shark alley," one of the best places in the world to see great white sharks.

Zimbabwe: Cholera is genocide by UK

One of Zimbabwe's top officials blamed his country's spreading cholera outbreak on what he calls "a genocidal onslaught" by Zimbabwe's former colonial ruler -- Britain.

Somali parliament backs PM over president

Somalia's parliament backed Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein Monday in his power struggle with President Abdulahi Yusuf, who announced Sunday he had sacked the prime minister.

Somali PM: President can't fire me

Somalia's president said Sunday he has dismissed his prime minister for failing to do his job, a move that could threaten peace efforts in the the violence-ravaged African nation.

Zimbabwe's power-sharing deal takes tentative step forward

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe published a draft constitutional amendment in the government gazette Saturday, paving the way for the power-sharing agreement reached after violence disrupted this year's presidential election.

U.S. military considers options to deal with Somali pirates

The Pentagon is looking at options, but there are no plans for U.S. forces to go ashore in pursuit of pirates in Somalia, a spokesman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Friday.

23 suspected pirates captured, Indian navy says

The Indian navy captured 23 piracy suspects who tried to take over a merchant vessel in the Gulf of Aden, between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, Indian officials said.

Zimbabwe introduces $500 million note

Zimbabwe's central bank is introducing a $500 million note -- the highest current denomination -- as the once-prosperous southern African nation battles against spiraling hyperinflation.

Mugabe 'needs to go,' U.S. says

President Robert Mugabe is "out of touch" with the magnitude of the cholera crisis gripping his country and should step down, the U.S. ambassador to Zimbabwe said Thursday.

Girl caught in crossfire dies in Congo

Stray gunfire struck two girls at a civilian displacement camp in eastern Congo, killing one and wounding another, the U.N. refugee agency said on Friday.

Suicide bomber kills more than 50 at northern Iraq restaurant

A suicide bomber in northern Iraq attacked a restaurant Thursday, killing at least 55 people and wounding 109, a local police official said.

Malnutrition bites in desperate Zimbabwe

A child cries from hunger, but no tears come from her swollen eyes.

Somali men accused of piracy face January trial

The trial of eight Somali men accused of piracy in the attempted hijacking of a Danish freighter has been put off until January after a preliminary session Thursday.

Ghana presidential runoff set for December 28

A presidential runoff election in Ghana will be held December 28, the nation's electoral commission announced Wednesday.

Somali pirates capture 2 Yemeni boats, crew members

Somali pirates captured two Yemeni fishing boats and 22 Yemeni fishermen Wednesday in the Gulf of Aden, Yemen's official news agency SABA said.

Kidnappings harm Zimbabwe unity talks

A string of abductions in Zimbabwe has harmed the effort to form a unity government, and the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) might pull out of talks, a spokesman told CNN.

Zimbabwe: More than 15,000 have cholera

Nearly 775 people have died in Zimbabwe from the recent cholera outbreak, an official from the World Health Organization said Wednesday, refuting the government's claim that the situation is under control.

Desperation up close in Zimbabwe

A child cries from hunger, but no tears come from her swollen eyes.

EU to launch first anti-piracy operation

The European Union will launch its first naval operation Tuesday, protecting vessels from pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia, EU policy chief Javier Solana announced Monday.

Zimbabwe: West caused cholera crisis

A Zimbabwean government spokesman on Tuesday claimed "the cholera situation is under control" and argued the West not only caused the health crisis but is using it as an excuse for military intervention.

Zimbabwe court orders police to look for activist

The High Court of Zimbabwe has ordered police to make efforts to search for human rights activist Jestina Mukoko, who was allegedly abducted from her home a week ago, a human rights lawyer said Tuesday.

WHO: 60,000 at risk of cholera in Zimbabwe

Up to 60,000 people in Zimbabwe could be infected with cholera if the epidemic worsens, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday.

German cruise ship to fly passengers over pirate hotspot

A German cruise liner said Tuesday it plans to fly its passengers over the Gulf of Aden, instead of sailing them through, out of fear of pirate attacks in the region.

UK PM: Zimbabwe cholera cases are 'international emergency'

UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has branded the cholera crisis in Zimbabwe "an international emergency" and called on the world community to confront President Robert Mugabe, leader of the central African nation.

Congo peace talks open with U.N. plea

The United Nations is mediating talks between the Democratic Republic of Congo's government and its main rebel group in an effort to "stop the hemorrhage" in the central African nation, a U.N. envoy said Monday.

Rights group berates West over Somalia failure

The United States and other Western powers have "exacerbated Somalia's downward spiral" and must revise their policies in the east African country, a Human Rights Watch report has warned.

EU looks to increase pressure on Mugabe

The European Union's foreign policy chief has called for increased political pressure to force Zimbabwe's leader Robert Mugabe to step down, as the country's humanitarian crisis worsens.

Cargo ship outruns pirates off Tanzania

A Dutch-operated container ship outran pirates off the coast of Tanzania this weekend, an official with the International Maritime Bureau said Sunday.

Hyperinflation forces Zimbabwe to print $200 million notes

Cash-strapped Zimbabwe revealed plans Saturday to circulate $200 million notes, just days after introducing a $100 million bill, Finance Minister Samuel Mumbengegwi said.

Kenya PM calls for troops to 'dislodge' Zimbabwe's president

The prime minister of Kenya Sunday called for troops to "dislodge" Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe as the country's humanitarian crisis worsens.

28 killed in Somalia fighting

Clashes erupted in Somalia over the weekend, leaving 28 dead in incidents, according to a hospital spokesman and witness accounts.

Suspected pirates turned over to Yemen

Seven suspected pirates were in the custody of Yemeni authorities early Friday, after they were picked up in the pirate-plagued Gulf of Aden.

Zimbabweans ill and dying from cholera crossing border

Doctors worry about the woman sitting on a bed inside the large tent, an IV in her arm. Chipo Matewe, 23, is eight months pregnant and stricken with cholera.

Rice: 'Well past time' for Mugabe's rule to end

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday the cholera outbreak that has killed nearly 600 people in Zimbabwe is the latest sign that President Robert Mugabe's rule over the country must end.

Mugabe hints at Cabinet without opposition

President Robert Mugabe hinted he may form a Cabinet without the opposition and call for early elections in Zimbabwe to resolve the impasse over a stalled power-sharing deal.

Suspected pirates rescued in Gulf of Aden

Seven suspected pirates rescued by a Danish warship were turned over to authorities in Yemen early Friday, two days after they were picked up in the pirate-plagued Gulf of Aden.

Zimbabwe troops on streets as cash limits ease

Armored cars patrolled the streets of Zimbabwe's capital and residents flocked to banks Thursday after limits on cash withdrawals were lifted in the inflation-ravaged African nation.

No way to stop us, pirate leader says

Somalis are so desperate to survive that attacks on merchant shipping in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean will not stop, a pirate leader promises.

Zimbabwe activist abducted by 12 gunmen

Amnesty International demanded Wednesday to know the whereabouts of human rights activist Jestina Mukoko, who it says was abducted at dawn by armed men in civilian clothes posing as police.

Somali pirates release ship without ransom

Pirates have released a Yemeni cargo ship without receiving a ransom after negotiations with local elders, a Somali official said Wednesday.

Dean Cain: 'Eyes on Kenya'

Luxury cruise ship outruns pirates

A 30,000-ton luxury cruise ship outran pirates off the coast of Yemen this weekend, the ship's owner said Monday.

Capital lacks clean water, cholera kills hundreds in Zimbabwe

Almost 12,000 people have contracted cholera since August in Zimbabwe, and the outbreak threatens to grow more dire -- and deadly -- because the nation can't pay for chemicals to treat water or for doctors to treat victims.

Arms ship's owners strike deal with pirates

Pirates have reached a deal with the owners of a Ukrainian ship loaded with arms that was seized more than two months ago, an official with the Kenya Seafarers Association said Sunday.

Nigeria forces impose peace after deadly riots

Calm returned to Jos on Monday as hordes of police and military personnel descended on the central Nigerian city to enforce order after three days of deadly Christian-Muslim riots.

Zimbabwe govt. sued over cholera outbreak

A group of Zimbabwean citizens are taking a government department to court for failing to provide them with adequate and safe drinking water as the country's cholera-related death toll nears 400.

Three escape pirate-hijacked tanker

Three British guards jumped overboard and were rescued from the water after battling in vain to prevent pirates hijacking a chemical tanker off the coast of Somalia.

Commentary: Your spare change will feed the hungry and save lives

I made my first trip to Nairobi after reading an article in The New York Times about schools and how they can change a child's life.

Congolese fleeing violence pour into Uganda

An estimated 13,000 Congolese civilians threatened by fierce fighting and gruesome attacks have fled to neighboring Uganda over the past two days and more are expected, the United Nations' refugee agency said in a news release Thursday.

Western journalists kidnapped in Somalia

Four journalists have been kidnapped in the Somali port city of Bosasso, officials and an international press freedom group say.

Carter: Cholera-, inflation-ridden Zimbabwe 'a basket case'

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said Wednesday that Zimbabwe is in shambles and warned that deaths from starvation and a cholera outbreak threaten to surge with the rainy season approaching.

Western journalists kidnapped in Somalia

Two journalists were kidnapped Wednesday in the Somali port city of Bosasso, a Somali official told CNN.

Rapes in Congo increase, aid group says

The number of girls being raped has increased sharply since fighting intensified in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a humanitarian group said Tuesday.

Rangers regain contact with war-threatened gorillas

Rangers and scientists have made contact for the first time in more than a year with critically endangered gorillas threatened by a war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a national park announced Tuesday.

Zimbabwe opposition party calls for activists' release

Lawyers for Zimbabwe's main opposition party have petitioned the attorney general for the urgent release of 15 activists arrested a month ago, the party said Tuesday.

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