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1 8/32
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Yield: 2.33%
1 EUR = $1.3346
8:31:00 PM ET 01/18/2009 © BigCharts

Bank bailout: Change is coming3:41pm: Economy is getting worse and banks' books are still weighed down with junk. Obama will deliver a 'message' for Wall Street to get credit flowing, aide says. more
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    Obama wants to modernize schools, but experts worry the plan is too small. more
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    Law to protect kids from lead may put indie toy makers out of business.  more
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    If your employer suspended or reduced its matching contribution, here's what to do. more
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    Gary Kaberle is a dentist in Michigan. But he had a dream - and it debuted at the Detroit Auto Show.  more
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    Meet Tim Cook - an exacting exec who shares Steve Jobs' perfectionism and obsession with detail. more
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    These six smart, field-tested strategies will help ensure you don't get burned by cutbacks at the office. more
Bank bailout: Change is coming
Economy is getting worse and banks' books are still weighed down with junk. Obama will deliver a 'message' for Wall Street to get credit flowing, aide says. more
Was the Senate right to release to Obama the second half of $700 billion bailout?
  • Yes
  • No

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