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Pence with the Jacksons


Washington, Jul 22, 2004 - (Photo: Pence with Jackson family from Columbus, IN)

Washington, D.C.- Congressman Mike Pence lauded passage of the Marriage Protection Act today in the U.S. House. The bill seeks to exercise Congress’ Constitutional authority to limit what cases the federal courts may hear. The bill passed by a vote of 233-194.

Here is the text of Pence’s speech on the House floor today in support of the bill:

“I rise in strong support of the Marriage Protection Act and I commend my colleague from Indiana, John Hostettler, for his principled leadership on this issue.

“The Marriage Protection Act is a constitutional remedy to a looming constitutional crisis. And let me say despite what we have just heard on this blue and gold carpet, nothing in this bill shuts access by petitioners to any state court in the land.

“What brings us here today is activist judges in some states are poised to force a new definition of marriage on states like Indiana and the Marriage Protection Act will stop that strategy in its tracks. Let me say clearly that not on my watch will I stand idly by while the courts in Massachusetts redefine marriage in Indiana.

“And despite what my colleagues have said on the other side of the aisle about high principal and constitutional ideals and a history lesson, this is about marriage. The Bible says that ‘[if] the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?’

“And marriage is such a foundation in our society, marriage was ordained by God, established by law, it is the glue of the American family and the safest harbor to raise children.

“We must preserve and defend our foundation in our society and we begin by defending the right of states like Indiana to define marriage like it has ever been defined and will always be defined in the hearts of the overwhelming majority of the American people and I yield back.”


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