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Thank you for taking the time to share your views with me - one of the most important parts of my job is listening to the residents of the First District. If you would like to read information about my views on issues before Congress, visit the Issues page of this website. You can also view recent press statements and postings on my blog.

If you are interested in a tour of Washington, DC or a flag from the Capitol, please click the following links:
- Washington, DC Tours
- Flag Requests

IMPORTANT: For assistance on time-sensitive, personal issues with Federal agencies (i.e. Veterans and Social Security claims, Medicare appeals, passport issues, etc) please call the district office nearest you or use the in-district toll-free line at 1-888-868-0737.

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Interested in obtaining a flag or touring Washington, DC? Click Here Instead.

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Due to the high volume of email sent to Members of Congress, please know that I have made it a priority to respond to mail only from the 1st District of South Carolina whom I represent in Congress.