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The Job Training Improvement Act of 2005
March 2, 2005

H.R. 27, the Administration’s job-training reauthorization bill harms veterans’ employment and vocational rehabilitation services. This controversial measure seeks to block grant all funds thereby diverting precious resources from veterans’ employment and training programs, to pay for states’ administrative costs.

Recently the Committee on Education and the Workforce – over strong Democratic objections [26-21 party line vote] – reported to the House floor H.R. 27.

This bill permits states to siphon federal resources away from critically important veterans’ employment and training programs operating under state administered “one-stop” centers.

Among these federal programs vulnerable to resource diversion are the Disabled Veterans Outreach Programs (DVOP), the Local Veterans Employment and Rehabilitation Services (LVERS), and other vocational rehabilitation services.

In the second session of the 107th Congress, [October 17, 2002] Congress with the bipartisan approval of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs passed the Jobs for Veterans Act (P.L. 107-288) – legislation to reorganize, update, and improve these very same veterans’ employment programs. Now is not the time to undo this good bipartisan effort.

With our troops fighting for freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many consequently suffering severe injuries and permanent disabilities, now is not the time to reduce resources for these programs critical job-training programs. Indeed, we must give these programs a chance to work.

I recognize that the states and the respective governors are facing tremendous fiscal challenges due to hard economic times but clearly, taking funds from these chronically under funded veterans’ employment and rehabilitation programs is not the answer.

This legislation is quite simply an example of “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” The responsible thing for the Administration to do would be to provide adequate and timely resources to these important programs, as well as assist the states with administrative costs.

Unfortunately Mr. Speaker, this legislation is not responsible and permits already modest resources intended for the nation’s disabled veterans as well as other disabled job seekers to be further diminished.

I oppose this bill and urge a no vote on the rule and underlying legislation.



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