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Honoring our Commitment to Veterans

By Rep. Stephanie Herseth

Since our nation’s founding more than 228 years ago, Americans have always asked a great deal of the men and women in our Armed Forces. American soldiers have fought to protect freedom and independence at home, preserve the union, and plant the seeds of liberty around the world.

As Americans, we know that we would not enjoy our current freedoms without the selfless contributions of our nation’s fighting men and women, both past and present.

Once again, members of America’s Armed Forces are confronting dangerous enemies abroad. We must meet our obligations to this generation of heroes who serve and sacrifice – as well as to those of the past. This is particularly true in the areas of health care, disability compensation, and educational opportunities for veterans.

It is no surprise that South Dakotans consistently volunteer to serve in the Armed Forces at a rate higher than almost any other state. South Dakotans have always answered their nation’s call to serve, and that tradition continues today. South Dakotans are serving honorably in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in other posts around the world. This spirit of patriotism and sacrifice, of course, results in a high number of veterans in our state.

I have traveled across South Dakota, meeting with the family members of troops whose National Guard and Reserve units have been deployed. I have listened to their ideas and concerns, which have underscored our responsibility to honor the sacrifices their loved ones are making.

Immediately upon assuming South Dakota’s seat in Congress, I made military and veterans’ issues a top priority. I am proud to have secured a seat on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, which has jurisdiction over the responsibilities of the Veterans Administration, including veterans’ health care, disability compensation, the G.I. Bill’s education and job training programs, home loan guarantees, and life insurance policies.

There are specific steps that I believe we must take in order to support America’s veterans. First, we must allow all disabled veterans to receive their full retirement benefits, also known as “concurrent receipt.” Under current law, partial concurrent receipt is being phased-in over the next ten years and this is only for individuals who have a combat-related disability of greater than 50 percent.

One of the first bills that I cosponsored upon being sworn-in to the House is H.R. 303, known as the “Retired Pay Restoration Act.” This bill would immediately enable all disabled military veterans to receive their full retirement benefits and not have them deducted by the amount of their disability benefits.

H.R. 303 currently has 383 cosponsors – far more than the 218 needed to pass any bill through the House. Unfortunately, House Republican leadership will not bring the bill to the floor – despite the fact that the bill is cosponsored by more than 175 Republicans. In order to force this bill to the floor, I have signed a “discharge petition” that would compel an immediate vote on this bill. Disabled veterans have sacrificed the most for this country and they are the ones that we owe the most. I will continue to fight for passage of H.R. 303.

We must also honor and provide for the loved ones that our veterans leave behind. I have cosponsored H.R. 548, the Military Survivor Benefits Improvement Act. This bill would gradually increase the amount of benefits in the basic Survivor Benefit Plan annuity for surviving spouses, age 62 and older, of former military personnel.

To help address the health care needs of America’s veterans, I have cosponsored H.R. 3474, the “Keep Our Promise to America's Military Retirees Act.” This bill would provide federal retirement health benefits to anyone entitled to military retirement pay and to his or her family members. This legislation is necessary to give these veterans and their families access to adequate health care after they have completed their years of military service.

Finally, we must adequately fund the Veterans Administration (VA) Health Care system. The VA operates medical facilities for veterans across the country, including several in western South Dakota. I have visited many of these facilities and have seen first hand the indispensable role they play in providing health care to veterans. Specifically, we must provide better care to core users: service-connected disabled, poor, and veterans with special needs. Congress must provide an adequate health care budget to enable the VA to serve the needs of sick and disabled veterans nationwide. To ensure that these needs are met, I support guaranteed funding for the VA health care system and have conveyed this support to Veterans’ Affairs Committee leadership.

We must honor the promises that we have made to America’s veterans, both those that have already served, and the new generation of veterans who are currently serving and will be coming home soon. I am committed to seeing that this is done.



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