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November, 2008 Newsletter
With the Holidays approaching, and Thanksgiving coming up in just a few days, we begin to reflect on the year that is coming to a close. Currently it seems that many of our lives are in flux and our pocketbooks are stretched, yet we must remember that we have many blessings to count. This Thanksgiving, whether your gatherings are large or small, I hope that you will be surrounded by family and friends and that you will take that day to look upon the positives and be truly thankful.  ... More

October 8, 2008 Newsletter
Tuesday’s immigration raid in Greenville served as a startling reminder that the problem of illegal immigration remains a serious one, and one that directly impacts us here in South Carolina.  I believe that it is essential that we prioritize our efforts to secure our borders and protect American citizens from unlawful immigrants’ entrance into our country. I am proud to have a strong record of supporting efforts to secure our borders and reduce illegal immigration to protect our national security and economic stability while opposing amnesty.  I strongly encourage giving State and local law enforcement the authority to assist in the enforcement of immigration laws and as a member of the Immigration Reform Caucus, continue to stress the urgent need for a fence along our Southern border. ... More

September 24, 2008 Newsletter
Moving Wall Coming to Lowcountry; Recognition Ceremony Planned ... More

September 17, 2008 Newsletter
As our nation continues to face historic energy challenges, as shown by the dramatic increase in price leading up to Hurricane Ike, I wanted to take this opportunity to hear directly from you about what I should focus on as I work for solutions.  Below is the text of a survey that is posted on my website at  You can fill that survey out there, and it will be automatically sent to my office.  After completing the survey, you will have the opportunity to send it to a friend – also, if you know of anyone who wants to sign up for my email newsletter, please have them visit my website [] and enter their zip code into the “E-mail Updates” block on the right side of the homepage.  Thank you for the opportunity to be YOUR VOICE in Washington. ... More

August, 2008 Newsletter
Since the first celebration in 1882, Labor Day has been a time to honor all those who comprise our country’s workforce.   From the earliest days of our existence, the American worker has proven to be unparalleled in spirit and determination.  As we pay tribute to those who maintain this standard, let us acknowledge their contributions which cause us to have the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known.   I join you in saluting the social and economic achievements of the Great American Workforce.  ... More

July, 2008 Newsletter
We celebrate Independence Day each year with pyrotechnics and spirited gatherings, while taking little time to remember the courage and determination that drove our forefathers in their quest for freedom and self-governance.  The potential crisis facing our nation today should serve as the impetus for each of us to renew that spirit of independence as we work together to resolve our nation’s energy and security challenge.  ... More

June, 2008 Newsletter
Now that Congress has resumed deliberations following the Memorial Day Break, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on legislative action for the week and the anticipated topics for the coming week.  I hope you will all join me and take a moment on June 6th to remember the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform as we honor the 64th anniversary of D-Day.  The Normandy Landing of June 6, 1944 was the largest single-day invasion of all time, with 195,700 Allied naval and merchant navy personnel involved, including 73,000 U.S. soldiers.  ... More

May, 2008 Newsletter
The month of May is flying by and the Lowcountry has been abuzz with activity. Every weekend has brought both our residents and visitors numerous opportunities to enjoy life along the Carolina coast, and the good fortune of favorable weather has helped ensure the success of these events. While we celebrate the joys of living and working in a truly wonderful part of the country, let us also observe the sacrifices of those who served to ensure our freedom and liberty. ... More

March, 2008 Newsletter
I have never been reticent about what I consider to be my first priority as the Representative of the First Congressional District.  When asked to describe in a sentence or two the way in which I view my job as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, I needed only two words – helping people.  Through the highs and lows of public service, I am most proud of being able to help people with problems they wouldn’t otherwise have the resources to solve.  In the tradition of Strom Thurmond and Mendel Rivers, I realize the potential for making a positive change that comes with the privilege of public service. ... More

February, 2008 Newsletter
The campaign caravan of Presidential hopefuls and a nearly-endless procession of media have left our state and allowed us to resume some semblance of normalcy.  The barrage of telephone reminders and roadside placards are fading into mist.  But for a few weeks, South Carolina was in the cross-hairs of everyone interested in occupying the Oval Office.  In true fashion, we rose to the occasion and presented an image that would bring pride to all who call this our home. ... More

December, 2007 Newsletter
We’ve finished the turkey . . . shopped ‘til we dropped . . . and prepared to make the season bright.  Moving from November into December, we all have so much for which we should give thanks.    In that spirit, let us all take the time to remember those who are less fortunate and those for whom this holiday season is a time for sorrow and concern.  I hope you will share your blessings and help to bring joy to those who need it. ... More

October, 2007 Newsletter
Whether you refer to it as Autumn or Fall, the calendar reminds us that the Season is changing and our weather forecasts should soon reflect it, as well.  Whatever the month means to you, make the most of your October.   Enjoy the variety of fall sports, cheer on your favorite teams, and celebrate life in the Lowcountry. ... More

August, 2007 Newsletter
August has arrived and has brought with it the high temperatures that invite so many to enjoy South Carolina’s beautiful beaches.  As we find ourselves amidst these so-called Dog Days of summer, I appreciate this opportunity to share with you an update of our doings in Washington as well as back home in South Carolina’s First Congressional district.  ... More

June, 2007 Newsletter
Earlier this month, we as a community and a nation were stunned by the deaths of nine City of Charleston firefighters trapped while fighting a major commercial fire.  This tragedy, the single worst loss of firefighters since 9/11, was a somber reminder of the dangers our first responders face on a daily basis as they serve to protect us and our property.  ... More

April, 2007 Newsletter
It’s April, when our thoughts turn to the topic of TAXES.  With the 15th falling on the weekend, we received two extra days before the filing deadline.  I trust that everyone survived the annual “tax-ing” ordeal.   While none of us look forward to paying taxes, it could be considered a small price to live in the greatest country on earth.... More

March, 2007 Newsletter
Washington, Mar 23 -   The calendar and the thermometer are in agreement – Spring is here. That fine yellow dust that necessitates a few more car washes may also trigger seasonal allergies. Both are temporary, however, and it’s a great time of year to be in the Lowcountry. This month everyone had the opportunity to be Irish – even if it was just for a day. And, of course, we moved our clocks forward as part of Daylight Savings. ... More

February, 2007 Newsletter
Washington, Feb 27 -   The month of February is almost gone, and with it the traditional day set aside for expressing our sentiments to those we love. It’s also the month in which we pay respect to our nation’s Presidents. As Washington’s Birthday, it was the first federal holiday to honor an American citizen. Later, as Washington and Lincoln Day, and since the 1980s as President’s Day, the 3rd Monday in February is an excellent opportunity for our country’s school children to learn more about our nation’s leaders. ... More

January, 2007 Newsletter
Washington, Jan 30 -  The 110th Congress was sworn in at noon on Thursday, January 4th. I am honored to begin serving my fourth term as the Representative for the First Congressional District. ... More

December, 2006 Newsletter

Dec 27, 2006  -   New Year's Eve is a time for celebration and merriment as we say farewell to the old year and ring in the new. As we celebrate the arrival of 2007, I'm asking each of you to heed the message to drink responsibly and never drink and drive. On behalf of the Congressional Stop DUI Caucus, I en... More

November, 2006 Newsletter

Nov 30, 2006  -   I trust that your Thanksgiving was a happy occasion, whether your gathering was large or small. We have so much to be thankful for, yet we sometimes forget to count our many blessings. To all of you that labored to make our holiday safe and secure, we extend a special thanks. Before the l... More

October, 2006 Newsletter

Oct 27, 2006  -   It's time to adjust the clocks as Daylight Savings Time ends for another year. On October 29th at 2:00 a.m., clocks should be turned back one hour. The next adjustment will occur on March 11, 2007. The earlier start is a part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The Secretary of Energy will re... More

September, 2006 Newsletter

Sep 29, 2006  -   September has come (and almost gone) and the fall sports schedule is in full swing. In Washington, we are working to complete many outstanding legislative issues. It appears that we have been most fortunate in avoiding a serious storm, thus far in the 2006 Hurricane Season. I'll continue t... More

August, 2006 Newsletter

Aug 28, 2006  -   A few minutes outside confirms that it's still Summer, but our schools have re-opened their doors and buses school zones are once again a part of our morning commute. Take extra care when passing by a school and obey the reduced speed limits. Our children are our most precious resource. If ... More

July, 2006 Newsletter

Jul 27, 2006  -   The 4th of July is the day we celebrate the birth of our country and our never-ending battle to live in freedom. We should always be mindful of the generations of Americans that answered our nation's call to defend our liberty, and Independence Day is the perfect opportunity to remember their... More

June, 2006 Newsletter

Jun 26, 2006  -   The sun, the sand, and the surf -- These are three of the best things about living along the coast of South Carolina. The First Congressional District comprises more than 75% of the state's coastline. We all love coastal living and easy access to our beautiful beaches. We've become accustom... More

May, 2006 Newsletter

May 25, 2006  -   It's been a typical May in the Lowcountry - warm weather, traces of that persistent pollen and increasing numbers of visitors to the Carolina Coast. May I wish a belated Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers in the First District. A mother's love is priceless and her devotion is boundless. ... More

April, 2006 Newsletter

Apr 21, 2006  - April is here, and with it comes thoughts of income tax. By now you should have filed your return - or your request for an extension. The Internal Revenue Service web site,, is an excellent resource for questions concerning missed filing deadlines, penalties and interest. I believe the... More