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Boy in wheelchair playing with shuttle
Apollo 11
Astronauts' foot prints and Lunar Rover tire tracks will stay on the Moon for millions of years because there is no wind to blow them away.

Apollo 11 blasted off on July 16, 1969. Aboard the spacecraft were Neil Armstrong, Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin landed the Lunar Module Eagle on the Moon. They moonwalked for three hours. They did experiments and picked up samples of Moon dirt and rocks. Collins remained in orbit doing experiments and taking photographs. The astronauts planted an American flag in the lunar dirt. Eagle was on the Moon's surface for less than one day before it blasted off and rejoined the Command Module for the trip back to Earth. Apollo 11 splashed down in the Pacific Ocean where it was picked up by a Navy ship.

Lunar Module Eagle (Apollo 11) on the Moon

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Who was the first man to walk on the Moon's surface?

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