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Technology Transfer
PUMP (Preferred Upstream Management Practices)

The PUMP (Preferred Upstream Management Practices) program helps slow the decline in America’s oil production. PUMP pairs “best practices” with solutions coming from new technologies to an active campaign of disseminating information to domestic oil producers. PUMP is a high-priority program to collect and distribute information that domestic producers can use to keep oil flowing from America’s oil fields. Slowing the decline of domestic oil fields and maintaining the infrastructure to continue to produce oil has become a vital part of our National Security. The goals of PUMP are to reduce barriers to domestic production and address specific issues to maximize return on investment. The focus is very near-term, and with regional emphasis.

PUMP employs four strategies to rapidly impact production. These are (1) focus on regions that present the biggest potential for additional oil production; (2) integrate solutions to technological, regulatory, and data constraints; (3) demonstrate validity of these solutions through targeted field demonstrations and comprehensive documentation of successful use, and (4) establish technology transfer methods and organizations to provide access to information.