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Technology Transfer
Independent Producers

Independent producers drill 85% of the wells in the U.S., producing more than 40% of the nation’s crude oil. Collectively, they are the link to future domestic oil supply. This program is intended to support smaller, independent producers that lack the necessary resources to apply untried or unfamiliar technological approaches that could potentially improve their economic viability.

NETL has supported a program for Technology Development with Independents that advocates solutions for production problems experienced by small, independent operators.  The goal of this program is to:

  • Extend economic production of domestic fields by slowing the rate of well abandonments and preserving industry infrastructure
  • Increase ultimate recovery in known fields using advanced technologies to evaluate formations, oil recovery, and production technologies
  • Use field demonstrations to stimulate information exchange and technology application among stakeholders through participation in DOE projects
Since this program began in 1995, 62 projects in this program have been conducted in 19 states. Projects have included research in the following areas:
  • Reservoir characterization
  • Production management
  • Formation evaluation
  • Improved oil recovery
  • Produced water reduction