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October 16, 2008
Brown Heralds COLA Increase for Seniors But Credits it to the Energy Crisis
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC), a constant advocate for senior citizens, lauded today’s determination by the Social Security Administration that 2009’s Social Security benefit will see a cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 5.8 percent.  While this represents the largest COLA increase since 1982, the increase is directly tied to the past year’s dramatic rise in energy prices.  After the announcement, Brown made the following statement: Full Story »

October 1, 2008
Brown Joins Fellow House Republicans in Hailing Expiration of Outdated Energy Bans
WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC), a long time supporter of an ‘all of the above’ energy policy, issued the following statement today on the expiration of energy production bans on the Outer Continental Shelf and the oil shale reserves of the Inter-Mountain West: Full Story »

September 16, 2008
Brown Fears for Nation's Security with Democrat 'No Energy' Bill
WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC), a long time supporter of an ‘all of the above’ energy policy, spoke from the House floor today in response to more empty energy legislation from Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats.  For fear that our current situation in the US will become similar to that in Europe, where Russia holds half of the continent’s natural gas supply under threat of being cut off, Congressman Brown made the following statement: Full Story »

September 9, 2008
Brown's Statement in Response to Democrat's 'All Talk No Action' Energy Proposal
WASHINGTON, DC – Following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House would take up their latest no-energy legislation later this week, Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC) released the following statement: Full Story »

August 1, 2008
Brown, House Republicans Push Energy Solutions Long After Democrats Leave Town
WASHINGTON – Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC), long-time supporter of an “all of the above” approach to meeting our nation’s energy needs, joined other House Republicans on the House floor this afternoon even after the Democratic leadership had left for August recess they remained to talk about the need to hold a vote on real solutions to high energy prices. On the floor, Brown made the following statement: Full Story »

July 30, 2008
Brown and Bipartisan House Members Come Together to Introduce a Plan to "Fuel" the American Economy
WASHINGTON - Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC), long-time supporter of an “all of the above” approach to meeting our nation’s energy needs, joined Congressmen John Peterson (R-PA), Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) and other  bipartisan House members at a press conference this morning to introduce the National Conservation, Environment and Energy Independence Act (click here for summary). After the event, Brown issued the following statement: Full Story »

July 23, 2008
Brown Praises the Unveiling of American Energy Act
WASHINGTON - Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (SC), long-time supporter of offshore exploration and the Representative of more than 75% of the coast of South Carolina, joined fellow House Republicans at a press conference today to unveil their American Energy Act.   After the event, Brown issued the following statement: Full Story »

July 15, 2008
Brown Leads Charge to End "War on the Poor"
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (SC) joined with numerous civil rights, African-American, agriculture, senior citizen, small business and consumer advocacy organizations and other Members of Congress to call upon Congressional leadership to address high energy costs that are serving as a de facto “war on the poor”.  The gathering, spearheaded by Niger Innis and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), was also cosponsored by the High Impact Leadership Coalition and Americans for American Energy. Full Story »

July 14, 2008
Henry Brown Supports Lifting Executive Ban to Increase Access to American Energy
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (SC) praised President Bush for his decision today to lift an executive ban on offshore drilling.   Brown, long a proponent of increasing domestic energy production to alleviate high prices and bridge the gap to the next generation of energy solutions, made the following statement in response to the President’s announcement:    Full Story »

July 3, 2008
Brown Constituent Urges: "Drill Now!"
WASHINGTON - Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (SC) recently received an index card with a drill bit attached to it, stating only, “WE MUST DRILL NOW!” from a constituent in McClellanville, a town who’s shrimpers are currently paying more than $4.50/gallon to fuel their boats.  After receiving the note, the Congressman offered the following remarks: Full Story »

June 26, 2008
Brown Continues to Fight for Energy Solutions
WASHINGTON - Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (SC), long-time supporter of offshore exploration and the Representative of more than 75% of the coast of South Carolina, joined fellow Republicans at a press conference yesterday to address the energy crisis in America. During the debate, Brown issued the following statement: Full Story »

June 17, 2008
Congressman Henry Brown Supports John McCain's Plan to Reduce Energy Prices
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (S.C.) affirmed his position that  Arizona Senator and presumptive Republican nominee for President John McCain is right on target with his recent statement in support of efforts to lift the moratorium on  environmentally responsible deep offshore energy development.  In response to McCain’s comments, Congressman Brown made the following statement: Full Story »

June 5, 2008
Brown Demands Action on Energy
WASHINGTON, DC – Today Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (S.C.) called on Congress to bring responsible energy legislation to the House floor.  Speaking during debate on tourism and recreation in the Chesapeake Bay region, Brown made the following remarks (CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO OF CONGRESSMAN BROWN'S STATEMENT): Full Story »

May 21, 2008
Brown Supports Real Energy Solutions
WASHINGTON, DC – Today Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (S.C.) joined his Republican colleagues on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to unveil a plan to deliver real energy solutions and lower gas prices for American Families.  Full Story »