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Congressman Henry Brown's Statement on the President's State of the Union Address


Washington, Jan 23 -  

Congressman Henry E. Brown Jr. (SC-01) made the following statement concerning President Bush's State of the Union Address:

"The President's speech illustrates his continued commitment to addressing our nation's most vital domestic and foreign policy issues.

Renewable alternative energy sources must become the driving force in determining our energy future. Domestic sources of energy, however, cannot be ignored when considering the path toward energy independence.

His proposal for addressing the 40 million Americans without health care coverage is deserving of further consideration. Affordable health insurance must become a priority for all Americans, even if it requires a shift in a family's non-essential budget items. Socialized medicine is not the answer.

President Bush remains steadfast in his belief that we cannot leave Iraq in its present state. In fighting the Global War on Terror, our forces should not remain there a single day longer than necessary, but while deployed, they deserve our full support to ensure they have sufficient resources to accomplish their mission.

Any immigration reform package that does not include securing our border as an initial step, is misguided. We cannot successfully address the issue of the millions of illegal aliens until we stop the flow.

Finally, I believe that Congress has a responsibility to conduct itself in a bipartisan manner as they deliberate the President's proposals."

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