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Statement by Congressman Henry Brown on the Release of Iraq Study Group Report


Washington, Dec 6, 2006 -  

Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC) today reacted to the release of the Iraq Study Group Report.

"South Carolina's First District has a high percentage of active and retired military personnel that are directly impacted by the war in Iraq, and I would like to thank them for their service to our nation." Brown continued "I also want to thank all the members of the Iraq Study Group for their hard work in producing this report. I am hopeful that Congress will work together and use the Iraq Study Group's Report to weigh the challenges before us and plot a clear course to success in Iraq."

South Carolina's First District is home to the Charleston Air Force base where C-17 aircraft are a direct link in the supply chain that assists soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is also home to Force Protection in Ladson, South Carolina whose vehicles, the Buffalo and Cougar have saved lives of soldiers engaged in mine and IED attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Brown concluded "I look forward to reviewing the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group Report and continuing to work in Congress in support of our soldiers. In addition, I support achieving a lasting victory in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan which will make America safer and more secure against the threat of future terrorism."

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