News and Features

  • Reporters are invited to witness students from Key Peninsula Middle School of Lakebay, Wash., while they chat with NASA Expedition 18 astronauts Mike Fincke and Sandra Magnus, who are aboard the International Space Station on Jan 21, 2009.

    Astronauts Call Lakebay Washington Students From Space Station

    01.15.09 - Reporters are invited to witness students from Key Peninsula Middle School of Lakebay, Wash., while they chat with NASA Expedition 18 astronauts Mike Fincke and Sandra Magnus, who are aboard the International Space Station on Jan 21, 2009.

  • Sixty-two years ago today, Jack Boyd, senior advisor to the Ames director, first reported to work at Moffett Field, the home of NASA's Ames Research Center.

    62 Years at NASA and Still Going Strong

    01.15.09 - Sixty-two years ago today, Jack Boyd, senior advisor to the Ames director, first reported to work at Moffett Field, the home of NASA's Ames Research Center.

  • Media are invited to witness a chat between students from Utah's only NASA Explorer School and astronaut Sandra Magnus, who is aboard the International Space Station on Jan 15, 2009.

    NASA Astronaut Connects With Utah School From Space

    01.13.09 - Media are invited to witness a chat between students from Utah's only NASA Explorer School and astronaut Sandra Magnus, who is aboard the International Space Station on Jan 15, 2009.


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