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May 2007

Save the Music Foundation
National Guard Youth Foundation ChalleNGe Luncheon
Americans United for Life Luncheon
South Carolina Rural Health Association
AirTran Announcement
2007 Earthrace Event
Steel Caucus
Canadian Parliament Members Visit Washington
Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans
True Blue Award
VA-MUSC Collaborative Project Update
North Charleston Rotary Club, Dec. 2006
Veterans Nursing Home, November, 2006
VA Committee Presentation
SC Prayer Breakfast 2006
United Parcel Service Visit
Nucor 'Man of Steel' Presentation
Morris Island Lighthouse Agreement Signing
Presentation to Midway Fire Rescue
Army Legislative Liaison
VA Health Subcommittee Hearing
EAT Healthy America Act
Recent Awards
Recent Visitors to Washington
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
25 x '25 Initiative
Healthcare Leadership Council
CFCC Goes to Canada
Healthcare Snapshot of the Carolinas
2006 Fuel Cell Expo
2006 Innovations in Amerian Government Award
Interstate Highway System's 50th Anniversary
Friends of Canada Caucus Kickoff
VA Health Subcommittee Hearing
Flag Day 2006
I-73 Preferred Route Announcement
Memorial Day 2006
Success of Medicare Part D
Hybrid "Plug-In" Test Drive
"Respect for America's Fallen Heroes" Press Conference
Posters on the Hill -- April, 2006
Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day '06
Congressman Brown's Interns
2006 Cherry Blossom Festival
Friends of Canada Caucus
Vice President Cheney Visits Charleston AFB
"Spirit of Enterprise" Award - 2006
Hanahan High School, March 14, 2006
March 8, 2006 VA Committee Hearing
Read Across America
Snowden Community Water Project
CCU at CSU - November 19, 2005
Buyer Auditorium Dedication at The Citadel
Congressman Brown and Alan Greenspan
Marine Corps Anniversary
One Millionth BMW Through the Port of Charleston
Site Visit to VA Facilities in Gulf Coast
Berkeley Chamber Industry Appreciation Reception
Bridge Opening
2005 Academy Appointee Reception