Monday, August 18, 2008

Dear Colleague,

This is to provide you with an update on the status of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 appropriation for the Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program in the Office of Science of the Department of Energy.

The U.S. Senate Report 110-416 (July 14, 2008) to accompany the Energy and Water Development (EWD) Appropriations Bill, 2009 (S. 3258) for BES states that “$59,495,000 of basic solar research is moved to the EERE* solar energy research and development program.” The U.S. House of Representatives Report on the 2009 EWD appropriations bill, however, supports the FY 2009 BES budget request, which includes a $33,369,000 increase in basic research for effective solar energy utilization.

These Congressional actions and the Office of Science’s plans were discussed by Patricia Dehmer, Deputy Director for Science Programs, Office of Science, and me at our Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee meeting on July 24, 2008.  Our presentations are available at:

The BES solar research constitutes the predominant U.S. program of scientific research in support of our Nation’s solar energy mission, and has engaged the Nation’s intellectual and creative talents to enable transformational discoveries to fundamentally alter our approaches to energy production and use. The proposed transfer of funding indicated in the SEWD mark would impact up to 65 ongoing projects and 300 researchers in the BES program.

We have carefully considered the Congressional actions to date regarding the FY 2009 appropriations. Until the difference between the House mark and the Senate mark is resolved by joint Congressional action, BES will continue to support its ongoing basic solar research activities and to work with EERE in realizing the full potential of solar energy utilization.
Harriet Kung
Associate Director of Science
  for Basic Energy Sciences

*EERE is the acronym for DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy program.