On a visit to the University of Georgia, Congressman Broun
talks with head football coach Mark Richt and discusses
legislative issues facing the university.
Broun's Four-Way Test
I am committed to protecting the constitutional rights and pocketbooks of every American. I will apply the following four-way test to every piece of legislation that comes before the House for a vote:

1) Is it Moral / Right?                 3) Is it Necessary?
2) Is it Constitutional?                4) Is it Affordable?
District Office Contact Info.
District Offices
Augusta / Evans District Office
Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 211661
    Augusta, GA 30917
    Phone: 706-447-3857
    Fax: 706-868-8756
Physical Address:
    4246 Washington Road, Suite 6
    Evans, GA 30809

Athens District Office
3706 Atlanta Highway, Suite 3B
Athens, GA 30606
Phone: 706-549-9588
Fax: 706-549-9590

Toccoa District Office
194 Remsdale Street
Toccoa, GA 30577
Phone: 706-886-1008
Fax: 706-886-1009
D.C. Office Contact Info.
Washington D.C Office
325 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4101
Fax: (202) 226-0776


Bipartisan Congressional Pay Raise Freeze Receives Support from Congressional Watchdogs
January 15, 2009
Bipartisan legislation to freeze congressional automatic pay adjustments in 2010 received support from Representative Paul Broun, M.D. (GA-10) and also outside organizations including the Citizens Against Government Waste, The National Taxpayers Union, Taxpayers for Common Sense and the Senior Citizens League. 

Dr. Paul Broun Joins Colleagues to Introduce an Affordable and Responsible Economic Stimulus Plan
January 14, 2009
Representative Paul Broun, M.D. (GA-10) today joined his Republican Study Committee colleagues at a press conference to introduce an affordable and responsible economic stimulus plan for middle-class families.  The Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Relief Act of 2009 will provide immediate incentive-based relief for job creators and also reduce the cost to hardworking taxpayers.

Dr. Paul Broun Announces UGA Grant Awards
January 13, 2009
Athens, GA–Representative Paul Broun, M.D. (GA-10) today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is awarding two new grants to the University of Georgia.  The USDA has committed $150,000 to be used under the direction of Jean Ann Bertrand, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.  This grant will fund an enhanced academic program to prepare multicultural students for successful careers in agricultural and environmental sciences.  The USDA has also pledged $743,259 to Michael Strand, Distinguished Research Professor of Entomology.  According to Professor Strand, this grant will fund a research project which aims to study a group of pathogens that cause disease in insects important to Georgia agriculture.  Strand said he hopes to identify new molecules which can be used in developing innovate pest management.

Media Advisory
January 13, 2009
Augusta, GA– Representative Paul Broun, M.D. (GA-10) will be in the Central Savannah River Area on Friday, January 16th to break ground at Savannah River Site and deliver a grant award to the Augusta Housing Authority.  At 1:00pm Dr. Broun will participate in the National Nuclear Security Administration and Savannah River Nuclear Solutions’ groundbreaking ceremony for a Waste Solidification Building at SRS.  At 2:30pm he will present a $100,582 check to the Augusta Housing Authority (AHA).  Funded through HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency Program (HCV/FSS), this grant will allow the AHA to develop local strategies to help voucher families obtain employment that will lead to economic independence and self-sufficiency.

Dr. Paul Broun Introduces Sanctity of Human Life Act
January 6, 2009
Keeping his promise once again to his constituents to provide constitutional protections to unborn children, Representative Paul Broun, M.D. (GA-10) today introduced the Sanctity of Human Life Act as his first bill in the new 111th Congress.  Previously H.R. 4157 in the 110th Congress, the Sanctity of Human Life Act defines life as beginning at fertilization with the creation of a human zygote.

Broun’s Briefings
November 10, 2008
PNC Bank Uses Tax Dollars to Buy Their Competition

Rescuing America’s Economy: Capitalism Works
October 30, 2008
Who is to blame for the current financial crisis in America?  Take a look at history, for there you will find a frightening pattern of Democrat politicians who set the stage for this housing market collapse.  I refuse to sit by and let the liberal leadership tell you that Republicans are to blame when over and over Republicans were the very ones who sounded the alarm.

Broun’s Briefings [Special Edition]
October 3, 2008
The Wall Street Nation

Georgia’s Republican House Members vote against Bailout
October 3, 2008
Georgia’s Republican House members released the following statement after unanimously voting against the $700 billion bailout bill:

Broun Stands Firmly Against the Massive Bailout
September 29, 2008
U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today voted against the $700 billion bailout proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson and written by the Democratic leadership.  Though this bill has been touted by many as a great compromise, there are several outside conservative groups such as Americans for Tax Reform, Club for Growth, Citizens Against Government Waste, as well as others that oppose this legislation.

Broun Releases Statement on Economic Crisis
September 26, 2008
U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun this morning released a statement on the economic crisis America is now facing.  In response to the recent developments and various plans to bailout Wall Street, Broun stated:

Broun Announces Victory on Offshore Drilling
September 25, 2008
U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun today claims victory for all Americans.  On Wednesday, September 24, the Democrat leadership capitulated and allowed the Congressional prohibition on offshore drilling to expire.  This decision marks the culmination of more than a month of protests by House Republicans. 

Broun’s Briefings
September 25, 2008
Fragile Infrastructure Leads to Low Supply and High Prices

Broun Announces Grant Award for Greene County Regional Airport
September 19, 2008
U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded a grant of $3,430,466 to extend the runway of Greene County Regional Airport.  In reacting to this award, Broun released the following statement:

Broun’s Briefings
September 17, 2008
Poor, Elderly, Schools, Suffer from Pelosi’s Politics

Broun Responds to the Pelosi & Co. Non-Energy Plan
September 10, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today released a statement responding to yesterday’s press conference held by Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership:

Broun’s Briefings
September 9, 2008
Do-Nothing, Drill-Nothing Liberals Go Back to Washington

Broun Joins Republicans to Cap off Historic Protest
September 9, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. yesterday joined his Republican colleagues on the steps of the United States Capitol to cap off their historic protest against the liberal Democrats’ decision to go on vacation instead of passing a real energy solution for the American people. 

Broun and Republicans pick up Liberals’ Slack
September 4, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today again took the floor of the House of Representatives to demand a vote on the American Energy Act.  As of today, nearly a third of the members in the entire House of Representatives have worked in the House while liberal Democrats continue their vacation.

Broun Announces Grant for War Veterans Nursing Home
September 4, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded a grant to the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home in Augusta.  This grant will cover 65% of the cost of Life Safety and Patient Upgrades – a price tag of about $2,262,000.

Broun’s Briefings
September 2, 2008
No Lights, No Camera, Lots of Action

Broun Works for the People While Liberals Vacation
August 28, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today took to the floor of the House of Representatives to demand that Speaker Pelosi reconvene the House to vote on the American Energy Act.  This bill is actually a package of ten energy bills that would allow for increased oil exploration, oil drilling, nuclear energy, and alternative forms of energy.

Congressman Broun Applauds UGA Olympians
August 28, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today applauds the twenty-two student-athletes and coaches from the University of Georgia for proudly representing the United States and other nations in the Beijing Olympics. 

Congressman Broun recognizes WWII Veteran
August 26, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. on Sunday visited Temple Baptist Church, in Homer, GA, to present several medals to Mr. J.D. Johnson.  Mr. Johnson, a veteran of World War Two, served with distinction throughout Europe, but was never awarded the medals he earned. 

Broun’s Briefings
August 26, 2008
The American People are calling for Change

Broun’s Briefings
August 19, 2008
Pelosi’s Empty Energy Plan

Broun’s Briefings
August 12, 2008
Nancy Pelosi’s New Priority

Congressman Broun Congratulates Area Olympians
August 6, 2008
U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today congratulated three area athletes on being honored with positions on the US Olympic Team.  Michael Hoffa (Shot Put), Vincent Hancock (Shooting), and Christopher Colwill (Diving), will be traveling to China to proudly represent the United States of America on the world’s premier athletic stage.

Broun’s Briefings
August 4, 2008
Liberals Leave Americans to Suffer

Congressman Broun Introduces P.L.E.D.G.E Act
August 1, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. has introduced the P.L.E.D.G.E. Act of 2008.  This legislation will deny funds to any school that allows or requires its students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and Star Spangled Banner in any language other than English. 

Broun Recognized By The National Clergy Council
July 30, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. on Tuesday was recognized at a special Ten Commandments Presentation.  During the presentation, The National Clergy Council - which represents 5,000 Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox, and Protestant leaders as well as tens of thousands of supporters – thanked Representative Broun for the role he has played “in shaping our American way of life.”

Rep. Broun Opposes Adjournment without Energy Solutions
July 30, 2008
Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today voted against the liberals’ motion to adjourn for August recess and issued the following statement:

Broun’s Briefings
July 28, 2008
Last Chance to Lower Gas Prices

Broun Stands with Colleagues on American Energy Act
July 24, 2008
On Tuesday, Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. stood on the steps of the United States Capitol with his Republican colleagues to make a public call for an up-or-down vote on energy legislation.  The press conference serves as proof that there are many members of Congress who want to pass legislation to lower gas prices.

Broun Invites Public to Attend “Foreclosure Prevention and Education Forum”
July 22, 2008
U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today announced that he will be hosting a “Foreclosure Prevention and Education Forum” at Augusta State University on Monday, July 28th. The Forum will take place in the ASU Jaguar Student Activities Center Ballroom from 10:00AM until noon. Representatives from government and non-profit organizations will be there to inform residents about healthy home-buying practices, safe loans and foreclosure prevention.   

Broun’s Briefings
July 21, 2008
We Need Energy Solutions Now!

A Message to Congress: Start the Drill!
July 8, 2008
During many half-time speeches, University of Georgia Head Football Coach Mark Richt has inspired his players with just three words: “FINISH THE DRILL”.   Today, I went to the floor of the House of Representatives and demanded that Congress step up and “START THE DRILL.”

Broun’s Briefings
July 4, 2008
Two hundred thirty-two years ago, a group of political leaders from across a continent sat down to condense a whole country’s frustrations into one document.  I can scarcely comprehend the enormous burden of writing a Declaration of Independence but, our Founding Fathers met and exceeded that challenge, produced our Declaration of Independence, and inspired a new government to be formed and run by a Constitution.

Broun’s Briefings
June 30, 2008
Fighting for Energy Supply

Marriage Amendment Introduced in Senate
June 27, 2008
Washington D.C.-  In response to the California Supreme Court’s blatant disregard for a popular vote in which over 60% of Californians voted against same sex marriage, Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. introduced the Marriage Protection Amendment on May 22, 2008. Congressman Broun’s bill, H.J.RES.89, has received bipartisan support and now has 86 cosponsors in the House of Representatives.  He released the following statement after the amendment’s introduction: 

Broun Discusses Pros and Cons of Heller Ruling
June 26, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. is steeped in 2d Amendment expertise.  He is a Life Member of the National Rifle Association, Safari Club International, Gun Owners of America, and numerous other sporting associations.  Congressman Broun currently participates in the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus which he helped found nearly two decades ago as Vice President of Safari Club International.  Congressman Broun has twice served as President of Georgia’s NRA affiliate, the Georgia Sport Shooting Association.  Congressman Broun is a proud owner of numerous firearms and is an avid hunter, displaying in his office Capitol Hill’s most impressive array of big game, including a full-body-mounted African lion and Kodiak grizzly bear.

Broun Denounces Supreme Court Decision in Kennedy v. Louisiana
June 25, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. expressed outrage this morning regarding the Supreme Court’s decision in Kennedy v. Louisiana.  This case involves Patrick Kennedy of Louisiana, who was previously convicted of the “aggravated rape” of his eight-year-old step-daughter in March 1998.  Not only does the Supreme Court case overturn previous Louisiana state court decisions, but it also strikes sections of the Louisiana Constitution, which allows the death penalty for those convicted of raping children under the age of 13. 

Broun Condemns Kelo Ruling with Property Rights Resolution
June 23, 2008
Washington D.C.-  United States Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today condemned the Supreme Court’s 2005 ruling in Kelo v. New London.  In this case, a small Connecticut town was allowed to seize a private home to make way for a new riverfront development.  On this, the third anniversary of one of the Supreme Court’s most infamous decisions, Representative Broun is joining property rights advocates all over America in renewing their protest against judicial activism.

Congressman Broun Protects Farmers from Harmful Government Regulations
June 19, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. recently signed onto a bipartisan letter from Georgia lawmakers to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  The purpose of the letter is to urge the EPA to begin easing regulations against farmers and landscapers in Georgia and throughout the United States.  Specifically, the letter focuses on the much-needed Monosodium Acid Methanearsonate (MSMA), which has been recognized as a useful tool in agriculture by the Georgia Farm Bureau, the Golf Coarse Superintendents of America, and the Georgia Golf Course Superintendents Association, among others.

Congressman Broun Defends Traditional Marriage Against Judicial Activists
June 16, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Beginning at 5:00 p.m. today, the most recent judicial assault on the American way of life will take effect in California.  On May 15th, the California Supreme Court’s 4-3 decision to allow same sex marriage overturned a state vote in which over 61 percent of voters chose to outlaw homosexual marriage – by a 1.7 million vote margin of victory.  The California Supreme Court decision will unilaterally create a new right that cannot be found in either the state or federal Constitutions.  In fact, no state has ever legislatively enacted homosexual marriage. 

The "Right" Road To Energy Independence
June 13, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Today, America is drilling for ice on Mars, but we cannot drill for oil in America.  Energy prices are soaring, and the financial pain that families are feeling at the pump is forcing them to decide what they can and cannot spend.  Many in Congress, who act as if they have been living under a rock, continue to ignore the demands of the American people and refuse to do anything to lower these burdensome prices. These skyrocketing gas prices and a risky dependence on fuel supplied by volatile, Middle Eastern nations highlight our need for an American energy policy that emphasizes production and decreases our reliance upon all foreign oil. 

Broun Hails Climate Tax Hike Defeat a “Victory for America”
June 6, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul Broun hails today’s defeat of a $1.2 trillion climate tax hike as a major victory for Americans. Under the guise of establishing a program to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2008 (S.3036) would have failed to address the climate issue, while sharply increasing burdensome regulations and taxes.

Broun Blasts California Court’s Refusal to Reconsider Homosexual Marriage Ruling
June 5, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Yesterday, in a 4-3 decision, the California Supreme Court voted to deny a stay on the California marriage cases.  Glen Lavy, Senior Counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund stated that “Without exaggeration, this decision is the most egregious case of judicial activism in modern American history.”  The Alliance Defense Fund was one of several legal organizations that filed a petition for Stay and Rehearing after the court’s May 15 ruling overturned a California statute outlawing homosexual marriage.  The latest ruling of the Court will become final on June 16, 2008. 

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Pays Tribute to America’s Fallen
May 23, 2008
Augusta, GA-As the nation prepares to commemorate Memorial Day, U.S. Congressman Paul Broun today urged Americans to take time this weekend to honor the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our freedom. Broun, a former jet engine mechanic in the Marines and Navy Medical Officer, will proudly observe Memorial Day in Georgia’s Tenth Congressional District, taking part in celebrations in Augusta and in Athens over the extended holiday weekend.

Congressman Broun Applauds United States Supreme Court Decision Upholding Tough Anti-Child-Porn Law
May 20, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, M.D., today issued a statement applauding the decision reached by the United States Supreme Court in the United States v. Williams case. In their decision, the Justices upheld a Congressional statute that was designed to criminalize the “possession and distribution of material pandered as child pornography.” The court, in a 7-2 decision authored by Justice Antonin Scalia, held that the conviction of a child-pornographer under the terms of the “Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003” (PROTECT Act) was constitutional.

Congressman Broun to Introduce Constitutional “Marriage Protection Amendment”
May 20, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, M.D., today announced he will be introducing a constitutional amendment to protect the traditional institution of marriage from re-definition by state or federal judges.  Broun’s “Marriage Protection Amendment” will be offered in response to the recent 4-3 decision by the California Supreme Court which redefined ‘marriage’ to include legal unions formed between homosexuals. The California Supreme Court’s decision to recognize same-sex marriages is viewed by many legal scholars as an activist decision in which the policy preferences of four justices overturned the democratically expressed will of California’s voters.

Congressman Broun Condemns California Supreme Court’s Recognition of Homosexual “Marriage”
May 15, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, M.D., today condemned the California Supreme Court’s 4-3 decision recognizing the validity of homosexual “marriage.” In today’s action, the Supreme Court of California overturned a voter initiative known as Proposition 22 which, following its passage in March, 2000, prevented California from recognizing homosexual unions as “marriages”. Proposition 22 was enacted with a winning margin of 1.7 million votes.

Congressman Broun Cosponsors Balanced Budget Amendments
May 14, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, M.D., announced today that he has cosponsored two proposed amendments to the United States Constitution that would require the federal government to maintain a balanced budget.  Broun has added his support to H.J. Res 1, offered by Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), and to H.J. Res. 7, offered by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO). Both proposed amendments would require the federal government to live within its means by preventing the government from spending more in a fiscal year than it receives in revenue. In addition, both proposals contain provisions making it more difficult for proposed tax increases to become law, and which limit the government’s ability to take on debt. Finally, both amendments contain an important exemption which would allow the spending controls included in the amendment to be waived in the event of war or severe threats to national security.

Congressman Broun’s “IMPROVES E-Verify Act of 2008” strengthens Employer’s ability to identify Illegal Aliens
May 12, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Today, U.S. Rep. Paul Broun announced his introduction of H.R. 6008, the “IMPROVES E-Verify Act of 2008.” “IMPROVES” is an acronym that stands for “Improving Methods to Promote Regular Occurrences of the Verification of Employability Status.” E-Verify (formerly known as the Basic Pilot/Employment Eligibility Verification Program) is an Internet-based system operated by the Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the Social Security Administration.  The system allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired employees.

Congressman Broun to Examine Virtual Fence on Arizona-Mexico Border
May 8, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Today, U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, announced an official visit to Sasabe, Arizona on May 8th and 9th,  to examine the state of Project 28, the so-called “virtual fence” on the U.S.-Mexico Border.  

Congressman Broun to receive “A in English” Award
May 7, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. will be recognized at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday morning by U.S. English, Inc. for his dedication to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States. Rep. Broun will be honored with an “A in English” award based on his votes and co-sponsorships of official English legislation in the 110th Congress. In addition to receiving a perfect score on the U.S. English scorecard, Congressman Broun will also be recognized for introducing H.R. 5759, the “English as the Official Language Act of 2008.”

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Announces Grant Award for City of Cornelia
May 2, 2008
Toccoa, GA-U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. is pleased to announce that the Georgia Department of Community Affairs has approved a grant in the amount of $25,000 to the City of Cornelia. The City applied for funds under the Community Development Block Grant, Immediate Threat and Danger Program. The award will reimburse the City for equipment rental and repairs made to the Camp Creek Road water plant and the Hazel Creek Road water plant and reservoir. 

Congressman Broun’s LIMITS Act Cracks Down on Terrorist Travel
April 22, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. announced today that he will be introducing legislation this week to restrict travel within the United States by official representatives of countries, such as Iran, that are designated by the U.S. State Department as State Sponsors of Terrorism.  Congressman Broun’s legislation was inspired by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s offensive request to visit the ruins of the World Trade Center, a request he made during a visit to the United Nations (U.N.) as Iran’s representative. Congressman Broun’s legislation would prevent foreign personnel from terrorist sponsoring countries who are assigned to the U.N. from traveling beyond a half-mile radius of the U.N. complex.

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. Invites Students to Participate in Art Competition
April 22, 2008
AUGUSTA, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. today announced that high school students in the 10th Congressional District are invited to participate in the 2008 Congressional Art Competition, An Artistic Discovery. Each spring, a nation-wide high school arts competition is sponsored by the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The art competition will culminate at a reception in Washington D.C. where the winning artwork will be showcased for one year in the Cannon tunnel that leads into the U.S. Capitol.

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Works with U.S. Army Surgeon General Schoomaker Toward Expanding Wounded Warrior Care in Augusta
April 18, 2008
With Lieutenant General Eric Schoomaker, U.S. Army Surgeon General, by his side, U.S. Congressman Paul Broun today toured the Uptown Division of the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center. Broun and LTG Schoomaker were provided the opportunity to meet with wounded soldiers, sailors, and marines and participate in collaborative discussion with VA leadership. Broun is working with the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs to explore avenues to expand the services given to active duty troops at both Eisenhower Medical Center and the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center. Recognizing that a large number of wounded warriors are from the Southeast, Broun believes it is better for the service men and women and their families to be cared for in Augusta instead of in other parts of the country.

Congressman Broun Introduces Anti-Pornography Legislation
April 17, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. announced today the introduction of legislation designed to stem the sale of pornography on military installations. Broun’s legislation, the “Military Honor and Decency Act,” closes a loophole in current law that is allowing the sale of sexually explicit material on American military installations located both within the United States and around the world.  Although the “National Defense Authorization Act of 1997” expressly prevents the Secretary of Defense from permitting the sale or rental of sexually explicit material on property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense (DoD), subsequent regulations adopted by the Department of Defense have continued to allow the sale of sexually explicit material to occur.  Congressman Broun’s legislation closes these existing loopholes in DoD regulations to bring the Department into compliance with the intent of the 1997 law so that taxpayers will not be footing the costs of distributing pornography.

Congressman Broun Invites Public to Attend “Grants Fair” at Augusta State University
April 15, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today announced that he will be hosting a “Grants Fair” at Augusta State University on Friday, April 25th. The “Grants Fair,” which will be held in the Jaguar Student Activity Center Ballroom, will begin at 1:00 PM and will conclude at 3:30 PM. The event is designed to give constituents and organizations an opportunity to directly communicate with federal, state, local and nonprofit agencies that provide funding and service opportunities.

Congressman Paul Broun Introduces “English as the Official Language Act of 2008”
April 11, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Yesterday, Congressman Paul Broun introduced legislation declaring English to be the official language of the United States government. Broun’s legislation, the “English as the Official Language Act of 2008,” codifies the principle that no one is entitled to receive federal documents or federal services in languages other than English. The legislation, officially designated H.R. 5759, specifically states that no person has a right, entitlement or claim to have the Government of the United States or any of its officials or representatives act, communicate, perform or provide services or materials in any language other than English.

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Applauds Building Plans for Nuclear Units
April 10, 2008
Augusta, GA-U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D., a member of the House Science and Technology Committee, today released the following statement regarding the plans to build new nuclear generating units in Burke County:

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Announces Grant Award for City of Augusta
April 9, 2008
Augusta, GA-U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. is pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded a grant in the amount of $150,000 to the City of Augusta.  The funding provides for the rehabilitation design of the terminal building at Daniel Field, which the city owns and operates on Highland Avenue. 

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Announces Grant Awards for City of Washington
April 9, 2008
Augusta, GA-U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. is pleased to announce that the original City of Washington is the recipient of two federal grants.  The U.S. Department of Transportation is awarding the city a $95,000 grant for the construction design of a taxiway at the Washington-Wilkes County Airport.  Additionally, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has chosen Washington as one of six Georgia communities to receive a grant through its Brownsfield Program.  The EPA is awarding the city an assessment grant in the amount of $200,000 to assist in turning problem properties into productive community use.

Congressman Paul Broun to Introduce Bill Declaring English the Official Language of the United States Government
April 7, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun will introduce legislation this week that declares English to be the official language of the United States government. Broun’s legislation, the “National Language Act of 2008,” codifies the principle that no one is entitled to receive federal documents or federal services in languages other than English. The “National Language Act of 2008” specifically states that no person has a right, entitlement or claim to have the Government of the United States or any of its officials or representatives act, communicate, perform or provide services or materials in any language other than English.

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Hosts Discussion on Border Security
April 4, 2008
U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. today hosted a congressional forum on border security for the United States House of Representatives Science and Technology Committee at Augusta State University. The discussion included a panel of government, industry, and academic experts. The panel discussed the range of security threats at our nation’s borders and how science and technology can be a part of a strong border security strategy.

Congressman Paul Broun Meets With Student Representatives of Georgia’s 4-H Programs
April 2, 2008
Congressman Paul Broun today met in his Washington office with student representatives of Georgia’s 4-H programs. The students, who were accompanied by Mrs. Brandi Shiflet, County Extension Agent for Hart County, were in Washington to discuss agricultural and related issues with their Members of Congress.

Congressman Paul Broun Congratulates ASU’s Men’s Basketball Team for National Championship Bid
April 1, 2008
Augusta, GA-U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. today offered his congratulations to the Augusta State University’s men’s basketball team for its run through the NCAA Division II Championship. The 10th ranked Jaguars advanced to the Elite Eight this year for the first time in school history, putting ASU in the national spotlight. The team got the chance to compete after winning 56-50 over Alaska-Anchorage in the semifinals on Thursday and went on to play Winona State.

A Prescription to End Pain at the Pump By Congressman Paul C. Broun, MD
April 1, 2008
Washington D.C.-  As a doctor, I am used to hearing patients describe their symptoms in a variety of ways. Recently, my patients have begun to describe a condition which seems to defy traditional medical diagnostic procedures. Some describe feeling a “lighter sensation in their wallets.” Others complain about having to “dig much deeper into their purses.” Still more complain that the sight of a dashboard fuel gauge approaching “empty” brings them great physical and mental discomfort.

March 28, 2008
AUGUSTA, GEORGIA – Next Friday, April 4, Congressman Paul Broun (GA-10) will host Members of Congress at Augusta State University for a Committee on Science and Technology event to discuss border security issues.  The discussion will include a panel of government, industry, and academic experts. 

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. Congratulates Student on Appointment to Naval Academy
March 24, 2008
Toccoa, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul Broun congratulated Matthew Wilson Jones, of Rabun Gap, Georgia, on his prestigious appointment to the United States Naval Academy. Jones, age 18, is one of eight high school or college students who Congressman Broun recommended for appointment to America’s military academies. Broun made his selections after consulting with members of his Service Academy Board.

U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. Congratulates Student on Military Appointments
March 24, 2008
Augusta, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul Broun congratulated Paul Gregory Maile of Martinez, Georgia on his impressive accomplishment of receiving multiple military appointments. Maile has been offered appointments to the United States Military Academy at West Point, the United States Air Force Academy, and the United States Naval Academy. Maile, age 20, is one of eight high school or college students who Congressman Broun recommended for appointment to America’s military academies. Broun made his selections after consulting with members of his Service Academy Board. The Service Academy Board’s decision was based on academic excellence, leadership capabilities and career goals.

Congressman Paul Broun Rejects Democratic Efforts to Raise Taxes on Gasoline by 50 Cents per Gallon
March 20, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today rejected Democratic plans to increase taxes on gasoline by 50 cents a gallon.  Rep. John Dingell (D) of Michigan, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is currently drafting a proposal to increases taxes on motorists. Chairman Dingell intends to introduce this legislation after the November elections.

Congressman Paul Broun Asks Governor Perdue to Request Disaster Declaration for 10th District Counties
March 19, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today wrote Governor Sonny Purdue requesting that counties in the 10th Congressional District that were impacted by recent severe storms be included in Georgia’s appeal for expedited federal disaster assistance. Under the law, the Governor must make a formal request to the President for federal disaster relief assistance. The Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) has already declared the 10th District counties of Banks, Jackson, Franklin, Lincoln, Columbia, Hart, Madison, Elbert, Putnam and McDuffie as having reported damage. Governor Perdue has asked for expedited relief for the City of Atlanta and Fulton County.

U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. Calls for Balanced Budget & Warns of Largest Tax Hike in American History
March 18, 2008
Athens, GA-U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. held a press conference today in Athens to discuss the federal budget and the importance of reigning in wasteful government spending. Last week, Congressman Broun voted against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s budget proposal, a plan that contains the largest tax increase in American history. The budget contains measures that increase taxes by a record $683 billion over the next 5 years. It includes tens of billions in new Washington spending, while failing to include even one provision to reform and rescue Social Security and Medicare from the looming financial crisis facing the nation.

Congressman Paul Broun Congratulates UGA’s Men’s Basketball Team for SEC Tournament Championship and NCAA Tournament Invitation
March 17, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, member of the University of Georgia Class of 1967, today offered his congratulations to the University of Georgia’s men’s basketball team for winning the Southeastern Conference Tournament Championship Game.  The Bulldogs defeated the University of Arkansas Razorbacks 66-57 to win the SEC Tournament, and gained an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament as a result.

Congressman Paul Broun to Democratic Leadership: “Stop Playing Political Games With Our National Defense!”
March 14, 2008
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Paul Broun today voted against the House Democratic Leadership’s legislation seeking to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Despite the existence of majority support in the House for the Senate bill that reauthorizes the intelligence program, Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to allow the House to debate or vote on the Senate language. Key to the Democratic leadership’s objections to the Senate bill is language objected to by special interest groups representing trial lawyers. The Senate language would prevent lawyers from suing patriotic telephone companies that cooperated with the federal government in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. 

Congressman Paul Broun Votes Against Democrats' Plan for Record Tax and Spending Increases
March 14, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun announced today that he voted against the Democrat’s budget proposal, a plan that contains the largest tax increase in American history. The Democrat’s budget contains measures that increase taxes by a record $683 billion dollars, spends over $16 billion on 11,000 earmarks, and takes no steps to reform the entitlement spending that is driving the nation further into debt.  In fact, it is estimated that under the Democrat’s proposal, the average taxpayers in Georgia will face an additional $2,743 in Federal taxes.

Congressman Paul Broun to Announce Endorsement of Senator John McCain for President
March 13, 2008
Washington D.C.-  On Friday, March 14, Congressman Paul Broun will attend a press conference in which he formally announces his endorsement of Arizona Senator John McCain for President of the United States.  The featured speaker at the press conference will be former Vietnam Prisoner of War, Congressman Sam Johnson. Also in attendance, and offering their endorsements of Senator McCain, will be dozens of House Members who, like Congressman Broun, are linked by their common bond of military service to our country.

Good Border Fences Make Good Neighbors
March 12, 2008
Washington D.C.-  When will Washington get it? The American public has spoken loudly and clearly. Americans want their borders secured, and they want the problem of illegal immigration handled with swiftness and certainty. Above all, Americans do not support legislative proposals that provide a “pathway to citizenship” for people who have broken the law to enter this country. The public recognizes that a “pathway to citizenship” is just politically correct Washington-speak for “amnesty.” And that is a dog that simply will not hunt.

Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. Urges Senate Big Spenders To Go On “Pork Free” Diet
March 11, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today joined with reform-minded members of the House and the Senate to urge passage of legislation designed to place a one-year moratorium on wasteful, “pork barrel” spending.  At a press conference held this morning, Broun was joined by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Representative Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) and members of spending watchdog groups such as Americans for Prosperity, Citizens Against Government Waste and the National Taxpayers Union, to present petitions signed by over 107,000 Americans to the Senate. The petitions call upon the Senate to enact an immediate moratorium on wasteful earmarked spending.

U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D Condemns Jerusalem Massacre
March 7, 2008
Athens, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today denounced Thursday’s vicious shooting in Jerusalem that left eight seminary students dead and at least nine others critically wounded.  Broun expressed the harshest criticism for the gunman who entered Mercaz Harav and ruthlessly fired an automatic weapon and handgun into the library of unarmed students. 

Congressman Paul Broun offers motion on FISA during Committee on Homeland Security meeting
March 6, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Today, at a Committee markup on legislation regarding the security of our nation’s chemical plants, U.S. Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) offered a motion to postpone proceedings until the House takes action on S. 2248, the Senate-passed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorization.

U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. Receives Perfect Score on Club for Growth “RePork Card”; Broun’s Score Reflects Commitment to Fighting Wasteful Spending
March 5, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today announced that he has received a perfect score on the “RePork Card” compiled by the influential Club for Growth, an organization dedicated to advancing Americans’ economic freedom by advocating lower taxes and tighter controls on government spending.  As part of their efforts, the Club for Growth compiles an annual list of outrageous spending requests placed in appropriations bills, and grades Members of Congress on their votes to eliminate these examples of wasteful spending. On the 12 occasions he has had to cast votes against wasteful pork projects, Congressman Broun has voted to safeguard taxpayer money by eliminating these unnecessary spending proposals all 12 times.

U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. Receives “True Blue” Award for Support of Pro-Life and Pro-Family Issues
March 4, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today announced that he has been designated a “True Blue Member of Congress” by Family Research Council Action and Focus on the Family Action for his support of issues that strengthen traditional family values. Congressman Broun’s selection as an award recipient is based on his voting record on pro-family issues.  The “True Blue” award is given to Members of Congress who show commitment to the defense of family, faith and freedom as evidenced by the score they generate on the FRC Action scorecard.

U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. Introduces Resolution Supporting “National Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia Awareness Day.”
March 4, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. today announced his introduction of House Resolution 994, which expresses support for the designation of a “National Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia Awareness Day.” Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia is a genetic blood disorder that presents a variety of symptoms that often causes it to be misdiagnosed. People suffering from this incurable disorder often suffer from life-threatening problems with uncontrollable bleeding and severe, painful bruising. In addition to raising awareness about this disorder, Broun’s resolution also commemorates the work being undertaken by Augusta’s Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia Research Foundation, which was founded by Helen P. Smith in 2001.

U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. Receives an “A +” on Immigration Reduction Report Card
March 3, 2008
Washington D.C.-  U.S. Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. achieved a perfect score on the Immigration Reduction Report Card issued by Americans for Better Immigration. Americans for Better Immigration (ABI) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization which lobbies Congress for reductions in immigration numbers. Broun’s 100% score is the highest in the entire United States Congress, and he is the only member of Congress to have achieved a perfect score for his legislative career. The “subjects” Broun was graded on include Chain Immigration, Visa Lottery, Anchor Baby Citizenship, Border Control, and Interior Enforcement.

Congressman Broun with Science & Techonology Committee Approve “Hall Border Security Bill”
February 27, 2008
Washington D.C.-  The Committee on Science and Technology, of which Congressman Paul Broun is a member, today unanimously passed out of committee the “Hall Border Security Bill”or H.R. 3916. This legislation, which was introduced by Ralph Hall (R-TX) and co-sponsored by Broun, supports the development of technologies to assist our border patrol agents. H.R. 3916 focuses on four key long-term technologies that could substantially improve the security of our nation’s borders: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), tunnel detection, anti-counterfeit technology, and biometric technologies.

Congressman Paul Broun Congratulates Student on Appointment to West Point
February 22, 2008
Toccoa, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul Broun congratulated Richard Jayson McConnell, of Rabun County, Georgia, on his impressive accomplishment of receiving an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point.  In a phone conversation on Wednesday, February 13 Broun told McConnell he was proud of McConnell’s achievement.  McConnell, age 18, is one of eight high school and college students who Congressman Broun recommended for appointment to America’s military academies.  Broun made his selections after consulting with members of his Service Academy Board.  The Service Academy Board’s decision was based on academic excellence, leadership capabilities and career goals.

The FairTax: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
February 22, 2008
Washington D.C.-  In the midst of all the talk about measures Congress could pass to stimulate the economy, there is one proposal that stands head and shoulders above them all: H.R. 25, the “FairTax Act of 2007.” If passed, this bill would reform the way the federal government collects tax revenue and would unleash the power of the American economy. I am proud of my friend and colleague, Rep. John Linder, for introducing this important legislation, and am pleased to be a co-sponsor, along with all the Republican members of Georgia’s House delegation.

Congressman Broun Cosponsors “FairTax Act of 2007”; Calls for Elimination of the Internal Revenue Service
February 7, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today announced his co-sponsorship of H.R. 25, the “FairTax Act of 2007.” This bi-partisan legislation, which was introduced by Rep. John Linder (R-GA) and Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK), repeals all corporate and individual income taxes, payroll taxes, self-employment taxes, capital gains taxes, and gift taxes in favor of the simpler, consumption-based FairTax. The FairTax would be collected at the point of sale, and its adoption would allow for the elimination of the excessively bureaucratic and needlessly intrusive Internal Revenue Service.

Congressman Broun, an Advocate for Physicians
February 5, 2008
AUGUSTA, GA – U.S. Congressman Paul Broun is eager to meet with the physicians of Athens and its surrounding communities.  Broun will hold his first physicians’ forum on Monday, February 11, 2008 at 7:00 pm to discuss the critical issues facing the healthcare industry.  He will provide medical doctors with an update on healthcare legislation before Congress and will share his feelings on the government’s role in healthcare.

Congressman Broun Takes A Stand Against Washington’s Excessive Spending
February 1, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today announced that he will not request earmarked spending for projects to be included in this year’s budget or appropriations bills.  In addition, Congressman Broun supports the House Republican Leadership’s call for an immediate moratorium to be placed on earmarked spending until significant reforms to the process are put in place.  Today’s announcement reaffirms Congressman Broun’s strong belief that the Congress should act as careful stewards of taxpayer money. 

Congressman Broun, Georgia’s Republican Delegation calls for long-term economic stimulus plan
January 28, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Georgia's House Republicans today joined together to oppose spending $150 billion of borrowed money, preferring Congress to instead focus on long term economic growth measures. The measure passed 385-35, with one “present,” and now goes to the Senate, where senators have vowed to tack on even more spending.

Congressman Broun Comments on “State of the Union” Address
January 28, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today offered his thoughts regarding the “State of the Union” address delivered by President George W. Bush.  This is the first “State of the Union” delivered since Congressman Broun’s election to the House of Representatives.

Congressman Broun Cosponsors the “Economic Growth Act of 2008”
January 24, 2008
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today  cosponsored the “Economic Growth Act of 2008.” This legislation is offered in response to concerns that current economic policies are not sufficiently tailored to meet the needs of America’s economy.  The bill introduced today is specifically designed to stimulate the economy by freeing up resources small business can use for job creation. 

Congressman Broun Addresses “March for Life” Rally held on the National Mall
January 22, 2008
Congressman Paul Broun today joined President George W. Bush and other members of Congress at the National Mall to address thousands of pro-life Americans assembled for the 35th Annual March for Life.  January 22nd marks the 35th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973. Ever since that United States Supreme Court decision, supporters of a right to life have chosen to gather on the anniversary date at the nation’s capitol petitioning Congress for redress. Congressman Broun’s remarks encouraged those in attendance to continue their work on behalf of the unborn.

Congressman Paul Broun to Take Center Stage in National March for Life Events
January 19, 2008
Augusta, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul Broun will join President George W. Bush and other members of Congress at the National Mall on Tuesday, January 22, as they address thousands of pro-life Americans who are expected to assemble for the 35th Annual March for Life.  The rally will begin at noon with a prayer and a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Congressman Paul Broun Hosts Sharia/Islamic Finance Briefing
January 17, 2008
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun announced that a Sharia/Islamic Finance briefing is set for Thursday, January 17 for Congressional members and their staff.  Broun said addressing the issue of Sharia or Islamic finance is important, and he is glad to see the meeting is gaining media attention because it raises public awareness about Sharia finance and its significant legal implications for the industry. 

Congressman Paul Broun, Dedicated to Representing the Entire District
January 14, 2008
Augusta, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul Broun runs up thousands of miles on his personal car travelling Georgia’s Tenth Congressional District to show he is concerned about representing all his constituents. From the day he took the oath of office in July 2007, Broun made it his goal to meet with as many governmental bodies, businesses, organizations, and families as possible.

Congressman Paul Broun Praises the Work of Augusta’s Hospitals
January 9, 2008
Augusta,GA—U.S. Congressman Paul Broun today applauded the team of professionals at Augusta’s Doctors Hospital for the state-of-the-art health care treatment they provide to their patients.  Broun’s praise came after spending Wednesday afternoon touring the medical facility and meeting with physicians and staff.  He was particularly impressed with the Joseph M. Still Burn Center, a nationally recognized center, which according to President and CEO Shayne George, is the largest in the country.

Congressman Paul Broun Reaffirms his Commitment to US Military after Receiving Navy League Gift
January 7, 2008
Athens,GA—Capt. Leonard Sapera, on behalf of the Navy League of the United States, presented U.S. Congressman Paul Broun Monday, January 7, 2008 with a copy of the Navy League of the United States: Civilians Supporting the Sea Services…for more than a Century. As a U.S. Marine and a former naval medical officer, Broun was honored by the gift, saying he holds all servicemen and women in high esteem.

Congressman Paul Broun to Address Local Veterans’ Concerns at Town Hall Meetings
December 28, 2007
Augusta, GA- U.S. Congressman Paul Broun will meet with local veterans to learn firsthand which issues concern them most.  In three separate town hall meetings, Broun will dialogue with veterans, their advocates, and their families.

Congressman Broun Announces Addition of 192 New Soldiers to Augusta’s Fort Gordon
December 20, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today announced that the US Army Signal Command located at Fort Gordon would be growing with the addition of 192 new soldiers in fiscal year 2008.  These troops are being assigned to Fort Gordon as part of the US Army’s “Grow the Army” initiative.  The “Grow the Army” initiative was developed following President Bush’s 2007 request for a 74,200 soldier increase in Army end strength. The initiative provides a long-term plan to improve the military’s readiness needs and its ability to meet future challenges.

Congressman Broun Introduces Legislation to Restore the “13 Fold” Flag Recitation to Veterans’ Funerals
December 19, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun has introduced a Congressional Resolution which would prohibit honor guards from participating in the funeral of any veteran interred in a national cemetery unless the family of the veteran is proactively offered the option of having the honor guard perform the traditional “13 Fold” flag recitation. Earlier this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs, in response to a single complaint, temporarily banned the 13 fold flag recitation based on objections to the traditional reference to the “God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” that accompanies the 11th Fold in the ceremony, and the reference to “God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost” in the 12th Fold.  In response to public outrage, the Department of Veterans Affairs later modified their ban, allowing the “13 Fold” recitation to proceed, but only if a grieving family specifically requested it be incorporated into the service.  Because Congressman Broun believes that families wishing to honor their departed should not be burdened with wading through bureaucratic regulations to receive the comfort offered by the traditional service, his legislation requires that the option to have this ceremony performed be proactively offered to families by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Congressman Broun’s Attempt to Fund Military Efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan Blocked by House Democrats
December 13, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today criticized the House Democratic Leadership for blocking his amendment to provide needed funding to war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan by eliminating wasteful spending on pork-barrel projects.  Broun’s amendment would give the Secretary of Defense the authority to transfer earmarked spending away from lower priority and often frivolous projects requested by Members of Congress to activities that support American troops fighting the War on Terror.  Broun had intended to offer his amendment during House consideration of the “continuing resolution.” To protect their pet projects and to block funding for the troops, House Democrats passed a “closed rule” preventing any amendments to the “continuing resolution” from being considered.

Congressman Broun Votes Against Democratic Plan to Increase Taxes by $55 Billion
December 12, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today voted to defeat Rep. Charles Rangel’s (D-NY) attempt to increase taxes on American workers and businesses by over $55 billion. Rangel’s legislation, the Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act, represents an attempt by the House Democratic Leadership to use next year’s impending application of the Alternative Minimum Tax  (A.M.T.) to over 21,000,000 unsuspecting taxpayers as a justification for advancing their tax raising agenda. 

Congressman Paul Broun Announces Nominations for Military Academy Appointments for Tenth District Students
December 11, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, a Marine and a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today announced the names of the high-school and college students he has recommended for appointment to America’s military academies.  Broun made his selections after consultation with members of Broun’s “Service Academy Board.” The “Service Academy Board” consists of prominent active duty and retired military personnel who represent various branches of the Armed Forces and who live throughout the Tenth District. 

Congressman Paul Broun Thanks America’s Veterans on Pearl Harbor Day
December 7, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun, a Marine and a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, issued the following statement thanking the men and women of our nation’s military, both past and present, in remembrance of the sneak attack on American forces at Pearl Harbor that occurred 66 years ago today.  The surprise attack by Japanese forces propelled America’s entry into World War II.  Once engaged, American forces in the European and Pacific theaters were instrumental in defeating the extreme fascist ideologies promoted by Nazi Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, and Imperial Japan.  Today, six years after a similar surprise attack launched against the United States, America’s fighting men and women find themselves engaged in a struggle against an extremist ideology promoted by Islamic radicals.

Congressman Paul Broun Applauds House Passage of the“Charlie W. Norwood Living Organ Donation Act.”
December 5, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Today, Congressman Paul Broun announced he voted in favor of passing the “Charlie W. Norwood Living Organ Donation Act.”  The legislation, which changes existing law to allow patients seeking kidney transplants to make paired donations, is viewed as a vital reform to current organ donation laws.  As a medical doctor, Congressman Broun understands the difficulties that many patients face as they wait for critical and often life-saving transplants.  The “Charlie W. Norwood Living Organ Donation Act” seeks to improve the process by facilitating the transfer of organs between those who are willing to donate and those who are in need of a transplant.

Congressman Paul Broun Joins the Bipartisan Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus
November 28, 2007
Washington D.C.- Today, Congressman Paul Broun announced that he has joined the new Bipartisan Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus. The caucus exists to educate Members of Congress, and the general public, about the terrorist threats our country faces from extremism and Islamic jihadism.

Congressman Paul Broun Urges Supreme Court to Overturn Washington D.C.’s Gun Ban
November 21, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s announcement that they will hear arguments concerning the Constitutionality of Washington D.C.’s strict anti-gun laws.  For the past 31 years, the District of Columbia has banned the ownership of handguns by its residents.  This ban was recently overturned when the D.C. Circuit Court of appeals ruled that Washington D.C.’s handgun ban was an unconstitutional restriction on the Second Amendment grant of an individual right to keep and bear arms.

Congressman Paul Broun Invites the Public to Attend the Grand Opening of the Athens District Office
November 20, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun is inviting the public to attend the grand opening of his Athens District Office on Wednesday, November 28, 2007.  Following the ribbon cutting, Broun will be holding an “open house” to introduce himself and his staff to the public, to discuss issues before the Congress, and to discuss what he can do to improve your interaction with the federal government.  The grand opening will be held on November 28, 2007 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the recently opened Athens District Office.

Congressman Paul Broun Invites the Public to Attend the Grand Opening of Augusta/Evans District Office
November 15, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun is inviting the public to attend the grand opening of the Augusta/Evans District Office on Monday, November 26, 2007.  Broun will be joined at the ribbon cutting ceremony by Augusta Mayor Deke Copenhaver, Ron Cross, Chairman of the Columbia County Commission, and representatives of the Augusta Metro and Columbia County Chambers of Commerce.  Following the ribbon cutting, Broun will be holding an “open house” to introduce himself and his staff to the public, to discuss issues before the Congress, and to discuss casework.  The grand opening will be held on November 26, 2007 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the recently opened Augusta/Evans District Office.

Congressman Broun Introduces Pro-Life Legislation to Protect Unborn Children
November 14, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today announced the introduction of the “Sanctity of Human Life Act”, legislation which declares that human life begins at fertilization and is vested at that time with a Constitutionally protected right to life.  Congressman Broun had promised Tenth District residents that the first piece of legislation he introduced in Congress would provide Constitutional protections to unborn children.  Today’s legislation marks the fulfillment of that promise.

Congressman Broun Commemorates Veterans Day by Thanking Georgia’s Veterans and Active Duty Soldiers for their Service
November 9, 2007
Washington D.C.-  Congressman Paul Broun today extended his thanks and appreciation for the sacrifices made by Georgia’s veterans and active duty personnel in service to our country.  Broun, a Marine, also announced that he would be commemorating Veterans Day by attending a number of ceremonies dedicated to veterans and by proudly participating in Augusta’s Veterans Day Parade.

Congressman Broun Opposes Bill Granting Special Workplace Rights to Homosexual Employees
November 7, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun today voted against legislation designed to grant special workplace protections to members of the gay, lesbian and bi-sexual community.  Under the language of the so-called “Employment Non-Discrimination Act” (ENDA), small business owners and certain religious organizations could be sued if they refused to hire employees practicing a homosexual lifestyle that conflicted with the morals of the small business owner or the religious beliefs of the hiring organization.  Additionally, the legislation’s vague language allows individuals to bring frivolous lawsuits against employers based solely on an employees “perceived” sexual orientation, regardless of that employees actual sexual orientation.

Congressman Broun Discusses “Augusta Model” of Wounded Warrior Care with Dean Lucy Marion of the Medical College of Georgia and Mrs. Laurie Ott of the CSRA Wounded Warrior Project
November 6, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun  met today with Dean Lucy Marion of Augusta’s Medical College of Georgia and Mrs. Laurie Ott, the Executive Director of the CSRA Wounded Warrior Care Project to discuss promoting the “Augusta Model” of Wounded Warrior Care within the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.  The “Augusta Model” of Wounded Warrior Care is based on the successful partnership that has been pioneered in Augusta between the Uptown V.A. Medical Center, the Medical College of Georgia, the Eisenhower Army Medical Center, and private sector providers and institutions.  A key element of the proposed “Augusta Model” increases the role that the Medical College of Georgia would play in educating and training nurses specifically for the unique needs of wounded warriors and their families. Congressman Broun, a graduate of the Medical College of Georgia, is a strong advocate of the proposal and is drafting a letter in support of the initiative to be sent to the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Congressman Broun Attends “Army Family Covenant” Signing at Augusta’s Fort Gordon
November 5, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun today attended the formal signing ceremony for the “Army Family Covenant” held at Augusta’s Fort Gordon.  The event marked the signing of the “Army Family Covenant” by both Brig. Gen. Foley and Fort Gordon’s garrison commander, Colonel John Holwick.  The “Army Family Covenant” represents the Army’s $1.4 billion nationwide commitment to enhancing the quality of life for servicemen, servicewomen and their families. For Fort Gordon, this has meant the construction of new family homes, the upgrading of barracks, and the creation of the new “Soldier and Family Assistance Center” to help the families of wounded veterans.

November 5, 2007

Congressman Broun Urges House Passage of Resolution Honoring the Ten Commandments Commission
November 2, 2007
Congressman Paul Broun appeared yesterday at a press conference in support of legislation that recognizes the activities of the Ten Commandments Commission. The Ten Commandments Commission is a grass-roots movement which has united thousands of churches and synagogues to promote recognition of the Ten Commandments as the foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith and as the cornerstone of Western law.  The press conference was held to encourage House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to bring the legislation, H. Res. 598, to a vote on the House floor.

Congressman Broun Discusses Tenth District Water Needs with District Commander of the Army Corps of Engineers
November 1, 2007
Congressman Paul Broun met today with representatives of the United States Army Corps of Engineers to request that the Corps take quick action to ensure the water needs of Georgia’s residents were met during the current drought.  During the meeting, Broun asked Colonel Edward Kertis, District Commander for the Corps Savannah District, to tighten the Corps' current outflow levels. 

Congressman Broun Applauds Extension of Internet Tax Moratorium
October 30, 2007
Congressman Paul Broun today announced his support of legislation that extends the current ban on internet access taxes. Many States and localities have lobbied Congress for the ability to impose taxes on internet access as a way to raise revenue. The House passed legislation extends the existing moratorium on the taxation of internet access for another seven years.

Congressman Broun Accepting Applications for Students Interested in Receiving Appointments to the Congressional Page Program
October 26, 2007
Congressman Paul Broun today announced that his office is accepting applications for students who wish to participate in the Congressional Page Program. Broun’s office was one of 24 offices selected by Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) to participate in the upcoming year’s program. The Congressional Page Program is open to high school students and provides an opportunity for these young people to play a role in the House of Representative’s legislative process.

Congressman Broun Announces Launch of Official Website at http://broun.house.gov/
October 25, 2007
Congressman Paul Broun today announced the public launch of his official House of Representatives website. The website enhances Broun’s constituent service efforts by establishing a “virtual office” that conveniently places important information at the fingertips of constituents.  Key features of the website include: the ability to sign up for Congressman Broun’s newsletter; the ability to e-mail letters to Congressman Broun; the ability to look up location and contact information for Washington and District offices; the ability to request assistance with academy nominations, flag requests, or casework; the ability to look up Congressman Broun’s position on the key issues; the ability to access multimedia and press releases; and the ability to monitor legislation that has been introduced or cosponsored by Congressman Broun.

Congressman Broun Discusses Georgia Drought Emergency with President Bush during White House meeting
October 19, 2007
Congressman Paul Broun met with President George W. Bush at the White House yesterday afternoon. During their meeting, Broun presented the President with an overview of the negative effects the drought is having on water supplies throughout the state of Georgia. Broun also requested that the President instruct the Corp of Engineers to take immediate steps to improve reservoir management in the state.

Congressman Broun Announces Opening of District Offices in Toccoa, Athens and Augusta
October 15, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun today announced the opening of his District Offices in Toccoa, Athens and Evans/Augusta. Today’s announcements highlight Congressman Broun’s belief that convenient office locations allow him to better provide effective constituent services.

Congressman Broun to Hold Greene County Town Hall Meeting
October 10, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun today announced that he will be holding a Town Hall meeting on Saturday, October 20 at 10:00 AM in Greene County, Georgia. The event will be held at the Greene County High School Theater. It is open to the public, and any interested area residents are invited to attend.

Congressman Broun Applauds House Recognition of Warner Robins, Georgia’s Little League Baseball Championship Team
October 9, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun joined with his colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass a resolution congratulating Warner Robins, Georgia’s Little League Baseball team. The Warner Robins team defeated the Tokyo Kitasuna Little League Team by a score of 3-2 to win the 2007 Little League World Series Championship. This is the second consecutive year a team from Georgia has won the Little League World Series title.

Congressman Broun Meets Augusta’s Carlos Page, Georgia’s “2007 Outstanding Older Worker”
October 4, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun extended his congratulations to Augusta resident Carlos Page for his selection as Georgia’s “2007 Outstanding Older Worker.” The 74 year old Page was chosen to represent Georgia’s older workers by Experience Works, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides job training and employment opportunities for older Americans.

Congressman Broun Works to Empower State and City Efforts to Combat Illegal Immigration
September 27, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun announced today his co-sponsorship of the “Local Law Enforcement Restoration Act of 2007.” This legislation strengthens the ability of state and local communities to enact and enforce local laws and ordinances that combat illegal immigration. Under current law, state and local efforts to impose civil or criminal penalties upon those who employ or recruit illegal aliens for employment may be preempted by federal law. The “Local Law Enforcement Restoration Act of 2007” ensures that federal immigration law shall not preempt, or override, state or local employment eligibility laws.

Congressman Broun Attends “Vets for Freedom” Rally Supporting America’s Mission in Iraq and Afghanistan
September 18, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun joined today with Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and their families at a rally sponsored by the organization “Vets for Freedom.” The rally, which was held outside the United States Senate, was organized to show support for our nation’s troops and for their ongoing mission in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Congressman Broun Praises Achievements of Augusta Technical College and Augusta State University
September 14, 2007
Congressman Paul Broun toured the campuses of Augusta Technical College and Augusta State University today. While at Augusta Technical College, Congressman Broun participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for Augusta Tech’s new “Columbia County Center,” a 22,000 square foot facility which will serve approximately 500 students. Following the groundbreaking ceremony, Congressman Broun traveled to the campus of Augusta State University to meet with University President William Bloodworth, Jr.

Congressman Broun Comments on the Sixth Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Attacks
September 11, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun offered his thoughts regarding the terrorist attacks on New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania that occurred six years ago.

Representatives Blackburn and Broun Introduce the “Charlie Norwood CLEAR Act of 2007”
September 6, 2007
Washington D.C.- Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA) has joined with Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to introduce the “Charlie Norwood Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal (CLEAR) Act of 2007.” The “Charlie Norwood CLEAR Act of 2007” enhances local, state, and federal efforts to enforce immigration law, and is modeled on legislation introduced by former Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA) in the 108th, 109th and 110th Congresses.

Congressman Broun Urges Expanded Role for Augusta in Treating Injured Servicemen
August 28, 2007
Augusta, G.A.- Congressman Paul Broun was invited to testify before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Field Hearing held today in Augusta. The field hearing examined the collaborative work being done between the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration at the Eisenhower Army Medical Center and Augusta’s Uptown VA Medical Center. Congressman Broun, a Marine, medical doctor and graduate of Augusta’s Medical College of Georgia, used the opportunity to encourage the Senate to expand Augusta’s role in treating our nation’s injured soldiers.